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Two firsts will happen in WoW for me this evening. One is that I will run through my very first instance in the game. The Deadmines. I've actually had this quest in my log for about a week now, and wanted to wait for a day when I could actually spend a few hours exploring the entire area of the dungeon. Also, I wanted to be a little above the level curve(I am 24 now). I'll be running this with my friend and fellow FP member Spugnor(who is also a RL friend) or his alt, as well as maybe Potionyguy(Dragonlgnd's alt, and also a RL friend) if both work and his crap PC don't keep him offline. I have recieved some offers from 60's in the guild to help do this run with me(thanks Vanin and Sanctity), but in the end, it comes down to one thing. I NEED XP. I can't get to 60 myself if I'm only getting 6-10 experience per kill in semi-major areas. The more stuff I kill, the closer I get to Onyxia and AQ's and all the yummy, purple-dropping goodness that I know I'm nowhere near being able to do at this time. Also, in completing The Deadmines(in particular, VC), I will recieve my first blue! I'm tired of looking at all those semi-impressive greens on my hunter. It's time to get some color upgrades. I don't even know at this point what the next instance I will encounter will be, but I know that The Deadmines is about to choke on a nasty mouthful of Triggahapy...and his little dog, too!

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Congrats man! I remember when I did the deadmines quest I kept the reward until like lvl 40 lol! That's on both my Paladin and Hunter. You'll probably get more than one blue item; there are three bosses in Deadmines who drop blues!!

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Yay! That's great! I was scared to death doing deadmines the first time, I took soooo many screenshots! =P

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There are three bosses? Hmmm...I know Van Whats-his-face and that other gnoll-thing. What's the third, and is there a quest I should pick up on him before I go in?

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oh, as an fyi, handing in quests gains you far more experience than killing, especially when you have 60s offering to help you.

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It was my girlfriend's graduation gift on her graduation night and...wait...other firsts.

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Ha ha! TMI, Soma...TMI! Oh, and I know I get good XP finishing quests, but I also need the XP from killing all the stuff. Especially since I know there is a whole bunch of stuff to kill. I gained an entire level just walking around and killing the Mo'groh Ogres near the Loch...even after I finished the Mercenaries quest. At 200+ experience a pop solo, it was a great place to go for some moderately easy leveling, as well as pretty decent loot. And I'm all about loot!

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  • 2 weeks later...

YAY! My first blue item! Sadly, it's armor(and not an awesome gun like I was hoping), but I love it all the same. In all actuality, this is really my second blue item...it's just the first one I kept. Before completing VC and getting the armor from the quest, I had gotten Lil Timmy's Peashooter as a random drop from Gobbler(of all creatures). It was nowhere near as good as the gun Zedek made for me(STILL can't thank you enough for that, btw!), so I sold it at the auction house...for 15 GOLD! I couldn't believe that! I made 15g's off an item that I deemed unworthy of even putting in the bank to give to another character later! Whoever bought that gun off of me...thanks! I soooo needed that cash, too. Artisan skinning is expensive!

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Oooh I love DM...well...I loved questing in that whole Westfall area!! Its been a while since I've done DM. This brings back memories of me, Kasis, Dawnvisage, and Jove in our lower lvls. Good times...good times!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hooray! My first...ummm...hat? Yes, at level 34, I finally have head gear. Actually, several other first have occured along the way. Some of which I am none too proud of, I must say. However, firsts are firsts, I suppose! I have done my first PvP battleground. Those are alot of fun, and I hope to do many more in the future. There are lots of others I just cannot think of now, but I am thoroughly enjoying the game, and cannot wait to see what other firsts I will achieve very soon!

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