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Greetings fellow FP members. Im having a little get-together this saturday in Atlanta Ga. Everyone is more than welcome to come and have a good time and eat some food and




WHEN!?!?!: 06/17/06 at 7:30

WHERE!?!?!?: UMEZONO!!!.... google map


HOW!?!?!?!: JUMP ON IT!



1) Bring Cash. They usualy dont like to split up the check for large parties so bring cash to pay for your meal. (We will be /random 100 to see who has to use their card to pay for the meal after we eat)

2) You can get a kickass meal for about $8. But if you wana splurge bring more =-P.

3) Lots of traditional japanese food (sushi, ramen, katsu-don) and also lots of non traditional food (teriyaki chicken/steak, fried rice, meat-on-a-stick) I've been to this restraunt a lot and I cant think of anyone ever getting something they didnt like.


IF you plan on attending send me a PM with how many guest will be going as well. We can fit 20+ people into one room but i'd like to know how many are going for sure =-D.


Anyways I hope to see some of my FP brothers and sisters there. If you can make it awesome, if you cant then your probably canadian and we didnt want you to come anyways.


-<3 Shikimaru

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OMG *cries* no fair no fair.... i wish i lived closer sad.gif i absolutely love japanese quisine ...

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we do chinese here in SLC for our WoW get-togethers, well, i think its chinese hmm

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um i wish i lived in the A T L /cry

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um i wish i lived in the A T L /cry




And one of my friends is going to colege there next year... /jealous

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After aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the talk, no Zaxby's.  wtf, man?  wtf?


Oh don't worry, we're going to zaxby's to get the chicken first, that way Shiki can dice it up and throw it in his tempura udon.

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damn it... if i wasn't going to chicago this weekend I would drive down there... it's about the same drive and plus i want to drop J-bombs w/ Joe, and eat some chikn

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Gonna be droppin the Sake Bombs! Usagi said she wasn't drinking so she's driving Muhaha

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I can't make it :/ I got a friend's thing to go to that Saturday, depending on what time I get out I'll try to swing by.

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Usagi said she wasn't drinking

I'll believe it when I see it.

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nooooooooooooooooooooooo i wanna go =-[ gimme about three months... =/


and i love you bw <3

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and i love you bw


I'll believe it when I see it.


I'll see it when I believe it.

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I hate klaudia.  


that's all I have to say.



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do they have liter cola at umezono?

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i love japenese!!! I would love a pic sig btw......n e 1 love me enuff to give me directions.

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I'll go if shiki doesnt.


Plumpy rolls a 101 (1-100)

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