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Since I have joined the FP, I have grown an even greater distaste for going to work. Work keeps me from leveling. I hate going to work almost as much as I hate horde. I get tired of getting ganked by 60's when I am only 30-something levels below them...what's the deal with that? Does my dwarf just scream, "I'm level 23! Please, kill me!" If it does, he and I have to have a serious talk about that. Thank goodness that after Tuesday, I get a 4-day weekend. Plenty of time to make it to 30!

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Work = FTL, believe me I know. Just wait till you're 60 and you have to miss like 75% of your raids because your boss doesn't know how important it is that you clear BWL.

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lol. My boss can suck an egg once that happens. I'll just call out 6 hours prior, and there's nothing he can do about it. I'm too important to get rid of that easily.

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I completely Agree dez


my boss typically keeps me working till like 8 atleast meaning i miss the start of all our raids... boo urns

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I feel your pain. I can't get out of work unless I'm on my death bed even then I have to get a chit saying I am sick.

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Don't worry, codeman. The days will soon come when you graduate high school and your parents tell you that it's time for you to start pulling your weight around the house...and by that, they mean help with the bills.

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