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Before the parade:

Just bought the camera and wound it up in the Grocery parking lot. This is right before we ran off to the parade.


Loofa and Stang



During the Festival:

(Soiro[brett] is in the green shirt to Loofa's right pretty cool he got in there too huh?)


Loofa and Stang



Parade time w00t:


Nick and Stang



Another festival shot corn is FTW too:


Stang and Stang's Dad



My ex and me:


Jake(Loofa's ex) and Loofa



Hot waiter at skippers:

This is a background shot, Stang and Loofa in front were too dark to see but so is this.


Hot waiter from skippers and Loofa's shoulder



Stang's Mustang:


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Matt looks really cute in these pictures =D He looks really good in the one with Nick. He has an awesome smile.

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I need a haircut.


OMG me too!!





hmmm looks like i need a bit of a shave as well..

*checks shaving cream levels only to find that there's none left*

damn these student budgets...

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Hope you guys had fun at pride!! Matt does have a really good smile, but so so you Kevin! And Raven thats an awesome picture dude, my hair isn't that curly, but sad to say it might almost be that long. Trip for 3 to teh barbor shop?

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haha my hair's been longer, i think i posted a pic of me with a samurai ponytail..


but definitely a trip to the barber soon, if i only i could be bothered haha

its gonna be a full shave this time, #2 all the way!!

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Real men use no guard! Bwahahahahaahha. Anyway, looks like ya'll had fun. biggrin.gif



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SLUT Pride?


lolololol, there were shirts like that for sale. Damn creative people!


And zomg raven, get a haircut!

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haha it's stang's, stang. =)

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funny thing is i wasn't takin a pic of the car but it was perfect in the background so i showed you that instead. =D

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