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I know ... I know use event forums but I know that on short notice general forums is the best bet.


I will priest a group for MC attunement tomorrow at 6 P.M.


I know


Yretsym (Bentley Alt)

Didge (Jesilyn Alt)

Twokegs (Jesilyn Alt)


all surely need it. I was hoping for 1 warlock that will be on tomorrow around 6 P.M. so that we can take a geared up group and blow up BRD to the core and then just summon people for attunement.


Thanks in advance. At this time I will priest Jesilyn has offered to mage so I will need a warrior or a paladin that thinks he's Valdez to tank, a lock and anyone else really so we can just destroy BRD and summon any and all alts around 6:30 for the ettunement. If your close please go down and grab the quest and log off at the entrance so we can be quick and timely and get out of their before AQ40 starts up.


*tips cap*

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You can jump down from incedius's platform , and shield and renew the group through the lava. Actually kinda fun. We were doing 1/2to45minute emp runs that way the other morning. My son will likely be on at that time though. Fracc think he made 55 last night in BRD, he's a lock . Whisper him if ya need him!

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Oops, when I read tommorrow I thought you meant Thur. I might be able to help tonight (Wed) as well and as I am bound in Silithus, getting to AQ will be easy smile.gif

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