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Hey guys,

i thought i would post the greatest site in the world for making your own scripts and addons.



look under Interface Customization to find out about the API, Events, and XML

i don't know how much everyone knows about programming, but i will do my best to help you.


i'm going to try and post some of the thing i have done, even though they are works in progress. But i really want you guys to at least look at this site and try it on your own and ask question before i just start posting stuff.

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So is anyone dieing to know the tricks I have up my sleeve and start making their own mods? Or should I keep them to my self????


I guess no one cares enoff to even reply so I won’t tell you.

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Hi Val,


I don't think people are trying to be rude, I think most of our folks just don't have the time to play with addon creation. I'm sure everyone would love to read about what you are playing with though.

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Honestly, I'd rather you just make me some mods and PM them to me. I R LAZEE.


The whole "make mods for WoW" thing lost me at .xml

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I've tried telling him his bait is too big for anyone to bite with a post title like that smile.gif

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yea joesf was always the social one. lets try some smaller bait?


who wants scripts that can do things like the following?


1. puts renew on anyone in the raid who is missing x amount of health and doesn't have renew


2. targets the raid member with the lowest percent health


3. targets the mob with the lowest health? i used this for spirit tap at lower levels


4. auto buffs (cast buffs x,y,z on anyone who doesn't have it)


5. joesf talked about one to auto remove unwanted buffs from tanks. (Salvation)


I’m working on one now that will cast Greater Heal on any raid member in range who is missing x amount of health. the line of sight is the hard part.


i have done ones that you keep pressing one button and it will keep shadow word pain on your target, then mind blast, then if you have focused casting it would cast mind flay.


the problem is that i can't do it all by myself and if i post something is anyone interested in learning how to do it if i show you how?

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(Lol plumpy posts in old threads)


I guess you guys don't but I would like to learn how O.O

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lol you want to give a class on this? Last time I tried learning a language it was very basic html when html was all pages were written in on the net.

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I really want to make some time to mess around with making mods/UI changes. Coming from a diffferent programming background, this seems like it can be quite fun.

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wtf is that thing on your avatar?


pixie furbolg?




YOURE a pixie furbolg, bw

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