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lol I like Oddy's tell...


"Can you tell reinhard I could own him? Im pusing his buttons wink.gif"


Oddy for the record... YOU COULD OWN REINHARD



p.s Nice movie 9er smile.gif

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I added the Sartura fight... would have been up Tuesday but Filefront is teh suck at times.



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Look at you with your fancy new add ons that make the debuffs we put up all flashy and stuff. Oh and yeah, awesome video too. I need to remember to stand near you for first boss kills so I get lots of face time. Bentley and I were the bastard childs of the priests. NO 15 MIN OF FAME FOR US!


But a great video, again niner. =D

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This is good and all, but you need more shots of my corpse; I get to watch myself eat dirt the entire rag video! cmon!



Edit: Just finished watching the Sartura vid, it was awesome! Fast forward + me running around like a chicken with its head cut off is priceless!


PS - It's spelled Battleguard.

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*cough* yah 9 who do u have to thank for the self rez ability? =D


btw notice in every video if u watch carefully who is the person to yell in G chat that the boss is down =D


little hobby of mine ^^

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heya, Stric I was wondering what the song was from the Skeram video. So, I would greatly appreciate it if you could hop in the Way-back machine and remember back in the day when that was done. Thanks.

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  • 4 weeks later...

woot can't wait to get home today to watch it =)

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Emps looked pretty textbook smile.gif when you have to arcane explode and blastwave are those groups of bugs on a timer or is that when someone hits a bug they shouldnt?

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