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Chromaggus pull and Nefarian


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High guys. Yeah...I know...we've been slow lately. A bunch of members left and the guild was suddenly without any Druid and it hurt a bit our progression in BWL.


But, still, Chromaggus is down on our first attempt raid and we start Nefarian tonight (with one druid....)


I had a stupid question about the opening of the Chrom fight. I volunteered to go activate the lever but would really like to know if there's a way I can survive this crap task...


Oh, and if you have tips for Nefarian, speak now or forever...errr...what whas it again ?



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A rogue just pulls the lever, and vanishes =)


Its late, so im going to bed, but we can write up stuff on nef soon =D

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omg Gryph nice sig wink.gif


and on another note....




hey buddy wink.gif

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I concur with my associate Miz, that sig is teh rockzors gryph tongue.gif

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yea lol...i dont like having my pvp sig up there anymore cuz im not pvping which means Im not going up in rank.


So basically LFS (Looking for Sig)


/call Hykos and his connection to Gignor

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Ok. We had our first attempts yesterday. Maybe 5 wipes before, at last, we managed to see Nefarian land for phase 2.


It's fair to say that we haven't found the right solution to phase 1 yet though.

This being said we were very short on healers with 4 priests and no druids. We also had, apparently, one of the worst spawn configuration with Red and Black Draconids.


For the first 4 attempts we tried to spread the raid evenly. We had troubles killing the buggers with AoE and even more troubles keeping them at the AoE spot. Lots of draconids leak to the other side, wander to casters, etc.


For the last 2 attempts we tried something interesting : one door was full caster and the other was full melee.

It worked better. At least on the melee side who was basically able to kill the mobs almost at the rate they spawned.

Caster side was clearly more overwhelmed.


If I understand Gryph well, you guys rely a lot on Pallies. Can you elaborate a bit ?

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We sort of split the raid in half. One side on the door near the throne. One side on the door near the ent to Nef's room.


We use Pallies and Tanks to stand at the door and snag agro on as many as they can. Consecrate works really well here. Druids/Hunters pull in the strays.


Rogues will typically DPS down one side with a little bit of AoE. The other side will go full out AoE. Weve never had that color combination, but I dislike Red the most. That one will require extra healing on your tanks/pallies.


This would be much easier with 6 priests and at least 4 druids, imo. =)

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This would be much easier with 6 priests and at least 4 druids, imo. =)


4 Druids ? The only way we could have 4 druids would be to send scouts in Darnassus and sign contracts with level 10 druids with guaranteed Epic mounts and all


I almost regret /gkicking our most active Druid 2 months ago....


Jokes aside, I'm afraid that we have to deal with BWL with maybe 4/5 Priests and an average of one druid per raid sad.gif

oh, and most of our pallies suck too.

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Ouch. NO druids?


Our druids are FTW, i cant imagine doing it without them. Priests and Pallys rock too though, poor guy! The rest of you must be very very skilled if you can get that far with such poor healing.



Really though, we take 4 druids, 6 priests and 4 pallys. 2 pallys/druids per side. Then we usually split the priests with 4 on one and 2 on the other. If one side is Red, Black, Bronze etc, they'll need the priests. Green and blue you can sleep thru, healing wise. Blue does the AOE Mana burn, so pallys are out quick. But otherwise its easy. Pallys dont ever heal though, in this stage. No salvation, nothing, they're tanks and damn good ones at that.



Assist side: We have 5-6 rogues usually. They all will be on one side. Along with a (one) mage with Improved blizzard to slow them down. Two locks as well. And, one Hunter to help assist / bring mobs back in.



This side has the other 4-5 mages and 2 locks. Along with 4 of the 5 hunters. Pretty straight forward, they aoe, the hunters just assist. Always burn down the big guys first!


Oh, and, have your healers / dps on AOE side stand by the throne. The assist side healers can stand wherever.


One more note. inbetween both doors, thats where AOE side's hunters should be. Not with the main group. They will tend to pull aggro, and its bad if their Feign Death gets resisted. If they're getting beat on, they run THRU the AOE to bring what ever draknoid with them. Then the aoe usually takes the aggro off or a tank or pally. Then they'll be in LOS for healers too.


Stage TWO! When he is landing, take 1 priest and druid from each side to abandon their post and head to where the MT will start tanking. The rest of the healers stay put till the adds are down. The pallys cant go cause they have to much aggro / are still tanking.


Stage two is cake though, especially with fear ward. If you dont have it, the 2 tanks can stance dance.


When you get to 20% he does the "zerg" with turning all the skeletons into Undead. At about 22% slow DPS down, 21, a bit slower... 20, wait for a good call. You dont want a Priest, Mage, Warrior etc call during the zerg. He doesn't do it right at 20%, its a lil bit in. So yeah, just wait and stop DPS until a good call comes. Tonight we had a pally call, then half way thru the zerg it turned into priest T_T. Still got it though. =)


For the zerg just have EVERYONE except the MT's pile on top of eachother. Everyone! no splitting the raid up or anything. The zerg will come to the group, Warriors Shieldwall / AOE Taunt as the zerg gets to the raid. Mages get Blessing of Protection and go nuts. The Warriors usually have 2 do AOE taunt at once, then the other 2. The zerg dies really fast if your all concentrated in one spot.


After that, its collect your Tier Two Chests. =)


On a side note, the worst call in my opinion is the Rogue call. It can make things really bad in a flash. 50% of the time, its fine and their rooted somewhere safe. The other 50 they are right on top of the tank and will get nuked with 1 shadowflame. We will have the MT rotate 90º away from the raid when that happens. (His tail is basicly in the middle of the raid, you'd be looking at his backside if you were say a mage). Priests / Druids / Pallys cannot avoid fear when this happens since we have to move in close to Nef in order to keep healing the MT. I hate the Rogue "bad" calls.


GL! - Stang

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You're gonna need to get some druids for the priest calls during stage 2. When the priests get called their heals put a DoT on their target so the tank that is getting healed will die if your priests heal him.


Here is the guide we learned mostg of our tricks from: http://homepages.nyu.edu/~js3868/killnefarian.html

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Not only that, druids are really helpful for grabbing any runners during stage one. If the tanks / pallies have to chase them down there are less ppl getting aggro in the front, and it just takes longer. Nef is a really unique fight in that it really utilizes skills from every class imho. gg blizz, GL FG!!

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