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Found another one, this guide is a bit better than the bug trio one.






A whirlwind attack that lasts 8sec and hits all players within 10yds for 1k dmg every second.

Sundering Cleave:

A cleave that hits up to 3 targets that deals damage and reduces armor by 240. Lasts 30sec and stacks.


A knockback that throws you up high into the air that the adds do to the player highest on its agro list.



At 20% or after 10mins, Sartura will enrage, increasing her attack speed and damage.



Sartura and her adds are stunnable as long as they’re not whirlwinding!


You can’t tank this fight normally as each of the mobs reset their agro list after each whirldwind. For this reason there is another approach:


The raid group will split into 4 groups. 10 for each add and 10 for Sartura.


Sartura’s group should have 3 tanks (Ideally all 3 should have Revenge Stun and Concussion Blow) and 2-3 rogues nearby and necessary healers.


All other groups should have 1 tanks and enough healers and DPS classes.


Sartura’s room is relatively big which allows for good positioning. The 4 groups will split up to 4 far sides of the room, like far North, East, South and West:



At the pull, each of the adds should be pulled to its respective group by a hunter so that all 4 groups can get into position.


Each group now has the task of keeping its add. This is accomplished through a taunt after/during a whirlwind and immediate DPS after each whirlwind. Also, each hunter should be trying to pull their add back with Distracting Shot in the event it leaves the group after a whirlwind. The adds should be kept stunned as long as possible which will make the fight a lot easier. Should the adds get out of their stunlock and their agro list resets, the group should be circled around the add and spaced far enough away from each other (10yds) so that multiple people getting hit by the whirlwind is avoided. Tanks should stay in the whirlwind so that they can taunt.


Important: Should an add escape and not brought back, do not run after your add! Each group has to stay in its position so that we don’t have too many people getting too close to each other and get bunched up! The group who loses it’s add should let the raid now in which direction and to which group its heading to. The group that is getting the new add should try to get rid of their current add by stopping DPS and letting it escape after it wipes its agro and replace it with the new add.

As soon as a new add is in range of a group that currently isn’t fighting an add, that group should do everything it can do get that add to come to the group.


Sartura should be tanked in the North end of the room and requires the most concentration for the tanks so that she does not break free. There is nothing worse than a whirlwinding Sartura that cannot be brought under control! The 3 tanks should have a taunt rotation so that Sartura is constantly taunted and has no chance to fly away. Should she break loose, the tanks should pop an AoE taunt or a mocking blow! The tanks also have to try to keep her stunlocked (no idea what he means by this) because taunting won’t be enough! To support the stunlock, 2-3 rogues should rotate with Cheapshot/Kidneyshot so that she is kept stunned. Should a whirldwind happen, the rogues should get out immediately. The rogues should only get close to Sartura after a tank has stunned her so that they don’t take damage from cleave as well!

Tip: The coordination required for these 5-6 players requires a lot of practice and absolute concentration – it should compromise of the best tanks/rogues!


Important: If Sartura breaks free, the Sartura group must do everything they can to get her under control again and run after her! Anyone in the raid who has agro from Sartura has to run towards the Sartura group and get away from other players! Hunters can also try to bring her back to Sartura’s group. These hunters should then also be in Sartura’s group and DPS Sartura when she’s stunned.


With this strategy, all 3 adds will die around the same time and the healing and DPS is evenly distributed around the room.


When the 3 adds are down, the 3 tanks should start bringing Sartura to the middle of the room (no idea how to achieve this as Sartura is supposed to be stunned and 3 tanks aren’t enough to keep her taunted). All tanks should get on Sartura and join in on the taunt rotation. 6 tanks should be enough to keep her taunted permanently in theory. All rogues and tanks should be trying to keep her perma-stunned. To keep damage to raid at a minimum placers should evenly positioned so that they’re not too close (10yds between players).

Should Sartura break free, the person who has agro has to run to the middle to the tanks so that they can taunt off!


At 20% and after 10mins Sartura will enrage and do a lot more damage so becareful!

If you’re having problems getting Sartura down to 20% before 10mins, try DOTing her at the beginning of the fight.


Tip: All abilities that can stun will help with this encounter! Blackout, impact etc.



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Finally found a good video on sartura from a tank's perspective. Granted its horde but they hv cool strat. During the adds... they do something similiar to the strat above and in stage 2 against huhuran... instead of all tanks on her... there're 1-2 of them (the guy who's takin the video is on of those 1-2) that stand inbetween her and casters and taunts off and brings her back to the MTs.

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