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My father get's me a bottle of fine scotch every so often. He bought me a bottle of Jonnie Blue a few years back. Over 100$ a bottle and that was at least 6 years ago. Not sure but I''m figuring he bought it in the states. This Christmas I got a bottle of Chivas 18 , Thats good as well. Had to pour me a little because of this thred. Enjoy catch ya in the game.

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I LOVE JOHNNY BLUE! It' my favorite. Yum. Tough to find unless you're in a very good bar, though. Don't have enough scotch drinking friends to keep it at home.

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ah, well here is what i did say, blue is the highest, and that there is no green label. And ive never seen blue stateside, but i do live about 20 minutes from canada, where i have seen it.




and there it doent even post anything about the green label, but from the description you posted, the 15 year old green label i doubt compares to the 60+ year old blue label.


so im still not sure who was right or wrong


oh, and it must have just become recently available stateside, id never even seen it on online liqour stores either.

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It's been in the states for at least 2 years that I know. I used to order it at the nightclub on special occassions back in the day. We got a bottle for a client last year in Fargo, ND. If you can find it there, it's attainable in almost any survivable place.


. . . I want some Blue.

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Never had scotch personally. Absinthe has sort of made me cautious about trying new beverages...

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Isn't that sort of like saying "Yeah, crystal meth made me nervous about trying that new brand of tylenol"




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If there were a new brand of tylenol, I would be very worried tongue.gif

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new brands of tylenol come out all the time, take for example the gel caps, or the sinus pressure ones, so new tylenol comes out almost as fast as new types of crystal meth

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