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Ladies and gents of FP, i give u the legendary items (plural) of patch 1.11:




There are also some interesting stuff on tier 3 sets, jewlcrafting and other various things. Also everything is in english and the items don't have typos in them (lol) biggrin.gif

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Nice but I hope that graphic is just a placeholder for something a bit more.... well, legendary. Looks kinda plain to a lowly rogue.

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Hasn't this site been linked in like 2 or 3 other threads wink.gif


still looking for an orange gun though

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Hasn't this site been linked in like 2 or 3 other threads wink.gif


still looking for an orange gun though


What will you do if there is a *gasp* orange BOW?

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None of the info on the Staff has been confirmed yet.


The only thing Blizz has said about new legendaries is that the next one will be a caster item (so yeah, a staff), and available in 1.11. All of the stats and the one for each class thing is a rumor until Blizz says it's true, or til someone sees a quest or an item as proof.

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to be honest Gryph



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to be honest Gryph




And then 2months later decide you want it...



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lol, like i could have foreseen damage normalization on hunters wink.gif

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i think garnok is still using a green gun because he hasn't found one that he really wants yet or has passed on it (:

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Felz, we both know that I bought my Blue insect shooter from the bank wink.gif


Ah, dreams of purple guns that aren't DHC.

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Oh no, he's found one. The problem is it requires a lot of AQ40 and a few Elementium Ore. :-D

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/taunts Garnok by holding Elementium above Garnoks short drawf head smile.gif

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What's great is that after chatting with the druids, they have agreed to put me at the top of the list to receive the staff!

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