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not to knock it, but it looks like a hacked item. they occassionally show up on site like that. 177dps? i mean, really, come on. Sulfuron isnt even anywhere close to that, and you have to drop the hardest boss prepath well over 100 times to get enough ingot. I highly doubt that this item is actually real.


1. Since when does Blizz include "Passive" in item description, its always "Equip"


2. why would a 1h sword become 2 1h swords?


3. 1400 atk power, yea, then the real dps of this sword is well over 300, if not 400


and if for some reason i am wrong about this, well the blizz has lost their minds and this is only going to tbe on RP or PVE servers only

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hahaha i know...i never said it was def. real...its just so uber though smile.gif so i figured i would share



people are speculating that its a "hero class" weapon but who knows...i thought it was kinda funny more than anything smile.gif

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Weapons of Myth and Legend:


a while back we had a GM in our (then, Knights of Anubis) guild on one of his playing alts. Here's what he had to say on the topic of items of M&L that were to be introduced at some indeterminate point in the future...


There will, first of all, be a single copy of one of these items per server. That is to say, should someone else be so ridiculously lucky as to be able to initiate the chain of events leading to the creation of one of these items, they wouldn't be able to forge it if one already exists.


That said, the path to creating these items will be long and complicated, as well as pretty much unrevealed. It begins with the looting of an artifact item that will need several more items before you can begin the actual forging process. The actual chances of looting this artifact item will be harder than obtaining the deathcharger's reins from the baron...except replace baron with ragnaros. Once you have this item, the other items will be insanely hard to get. For example, suppose you were forging the Sword of Ruin, then you would start the path with a broken blade artifact, and from there you would, say, need to max out skinning and skin a ridicuously difficult outdoor raid boss who would drop only one of these artifact skins per server, BoP of course.


Next you would need to cure that hide, so you would need to max out leatherworking and then complete a series of events allowing you to cure this hide.


You would also need to obtain some artifact mineral for a hard to reach mineral vein in a raid instance, so you would need to then max out mining and mine this vein, and of course go through a series of events to smelt it.


You can see where this is going...you would need to repair the blade as a max level blacksmith.


Once you have all the things together, then you would need to complete a series of events to turn the weapon into the final design.


He sort of indicated that it would take a well connected person with pretty much unlimited resources a month of nonstop gaming at best to complete all these steps.


Of course, these weapons would only be weilded by a hero class, and the path to becoming a hero class was supposed to be one of Blizzard's more closely guarded secrets that also would be much harder for a level 60 to complete than soloing the rogue poison quest at level 20, at least according to him.


He also mentioned that using one of these things in PvP outside a battleground would earn you a reputation hit that would take you from exaulted straight to hostile with a single kill in your own faction.


On a side note he also mentioned some stuff about paladins "falling" and joining the scourge as deathknights, but I've seen no evidence of how far Blizzard is progessing into that area. However, the point of this post is that, apparently the game has the framework for this (as I've been seeing more artifact type objects being reported as of late) and perhaps they're not too far off.


Oh, and apparently there are weapons that work against each other and mutually annihilate each other, allowing the formation of the weapon by a new person, as well as items that, through a similarly difficult chain of events and on a timer for use, would allow you to destroy the M&L weapon they are opposed to.

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