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haha that was some good shit right there i was out numbered but i still got mah licks in tongue.gif

was tight seeing that many of ya'll in there

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oh and to the rogue who tag teamed me wit boomorogue bet ya loved how i came right back and got my first 2 kbs off the 2 of you:P


ps. sum1 tell me how to edit my posts please

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oh and to the rogue who tag teamed me wit boomorogue bet ya loved how i came right back and got my first 2 kbs off the 2 of you:P


Was this the game where we 5 capped you or was it just a 4 cap?

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i wasnt there for a 5 cap. I dont care overly bout winning or the rep (bout halfway to exalted with defilers) i mainly jus farm honor lol ( i know ya get more from wins but i do aight anyways laugh.gif ). i didnt see u at all ghost unless your ingame name is diff. Horde would rip shit up if they got organized about it like LD does. oh and Immortality makes LD look like eazy mode heheh i can at least farm honor off LD

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isn't LD a hodge podge of members of different guilds mashed together to get high rank PVP then they leave for their guilds again? so the skill lvl isn't as high as Immo I would think if all that is true.

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that's odd, I only get puncture wounds from Gynis' hugs.


prickly bastard

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LD is actually trying to convert a bit to PvE so that members dont just get GM and bail. They are trying to become more than just a GM factory. Also the reason that Immo is harder than LD is definitely not strategy. LD has been doing this for a while and has that down pat. I think they do well because Immo is rolling nearly all full Tier 2 which has about as much Stam as the PvP gear but also has all the other stats that each class looks for. Either way, it was fun playing AB last night. I too am nearly exhalted with Arathor and Stormpike so I will be doing this more frequently for a while.

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