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Well I just want to state , I'm sorry for asking you to learn that recipe in front of us. Wasn't looking at what guild you were in let alone it was ours. As you all now I'm new and not familiar with everyone yet. I'm glad the flask was won by someone within the guild as well.

I get pissed cause I've lost several recipes due to the green round robin thing. Didn't even get a chance to roll for greater fire protection against a guy in 5 man lbrs last week(WaWaWaWaWaWaWaWa I cried all night). He wasn't even an alchemist. I was pissed I'm like I learn it right here it'll be my RTU. He wouldn't let me roll and said his guild needed it. Anyways that is standard loot rules correct? 250 plus gets rolled on?

Thing is we all now these recipes sell for like 100-200g so why wouldn't people take them. I got nervous and frustrated when the leader said he hadn't picked anything up. Well I'm glad it got resolved and glad someone in our guild won. Dont know how many of those crazy flask's I could make anyways. Have you tried fishing those stonescale eel's up. Painfull to say the least, I have to pay my son to fish for me. Good luck tonight with onyxia guys I'll catch ya in the morning.

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Xarn won the flask of the titans.

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There is no need to apologies NX. I'm sure it was comforting to the other ppl there to see it learned as well - it would have been for me had someone else won it. 8)


I would have put up more of a fight for you to keep it had it only been the two of us left though, we are both newish in the guild and Aelora speaks well of you. I am a firm believer in the idea that the person who will get the most use out of something should get it and was concerned about my abilities to get those silly eels as well. I hope I can get the fish fairly fast since Ael has FORBADE me from buying them for the prices on the AH - she's planning a fishing trip for us apparently. For the record, I have no problems with another guildy getting something that was supposed to go to me because of a roll if it will help them more than (or even equally as) myself.


I was also afraid the raid leader was trying to get it for someone he knew, after the third time I told him it was in his inventory. I didn't have any previous experience with him and was starting to worry NONE of us were going to get it. :wink:


Its all cool here. I had fun and didn't really expect to get anything out of the raid other than blood for Ael - and that looked iffy with her connection issues. It was a nice surprise that it dropped, now we need to go get you one too.




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Ya that sounds good. Well good luck on that fishing trip. I set my son up on the dock in feathermoon usually. No horde casualties yet , and well the fishing is ok. If i had to guess 4-5 per hour maybe. Bring beer and the fishing always goes quicker! And hell if you dont catch much you'll have a nice buzz when you done.

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