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Ok, I am going to need some help, and since you guys are my extended family, I figured I would ask here smile.gifsmile.gif


I only need a few more things...


1) Need a 10 man group to raid Scholo, I don't care we can do the whole thing as long as at the end, in ras's room, I can be promoted to leader and kick everyone so I can release my imp in the alchemy lab smile.gif


2) I need 25 dark iron ore... and 3 arcanite bars...I am sure Arsimone can help me with this as he is a miner (unless someone else wants to offer their services smile.gif, I would most definitely go w/ you to farm the stuff, I just can't mine


3) Need 10 Elixir of Shadow power...I have the 30 ghost mushrooms, just need someone to make them (Im sure Soma can do this as hes made them in the past for me)


4) this is the REALLY big part and this is where you come in SHOOP....

I need a warlock who has already done the last quest in Dire Maul and still has the reagents...to go on a 5-man with me...

Shoop you know EVERYBODY and EVERYBODY loves you... smile.gif

I believe Penelopee (i think thats how you spell it) has already done it...(*she was on the Blightcaller raid the other night..and asking me about my epic) If anyone is close w/ him/her could they ask if he or she could help me out with that part smile.gif


I would more than happy to put in as much time as needed...I just REEEEEAAALLLYY wanna get this done smile.gif

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I'll 10man scholo, still need wh cowl anyway


You could probably get Heilel and/or Hinanin to help with the arcanite and dark iron, respecitvely. Heilel is an alchemist hin mines.


I know for sure Dragonlgnd can make Elixir for Shadow Power as he made them for Redryn when she needed them for this part.


lol, plenty of people hate me! They just dont tell me they hate me... =P


I know Penelopee but if he/she is to help you it will have to be late at night because I believe Pene is still in China, although he/she might be back by now. I also know .. at least 2 other warlocks of the top of my head who have their epics.

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See! I knew you knew everyone.


Pretty much the most important part is for me to find a lock thats done it and has the 3 or 4 reagents needed to start the event...in my opinion thats the hardest part...


I will check in with those guys regarding the other parts...thanks smile.gif


Let me know if you find a lock that can help. (I will also need a healer for that DM 5-man EHEEMMM mr. druid)

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Heliacon ftw! I mean..wait...


What are we talking about? (I'm in on 10-man Scholo. Just lemme know, 'cause I need my WH cowl...)

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omg thx for the outpouring of support ohmy.gif


shun my guild! omg!

i didnt shun my guild! i looked everywhere for the Solace msg. board but couldnt find it hahahaha smile.gif:twisted:

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I'll help on scholo raid! biggrin.gif

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ive got the arcanite and dark iron, im hording that crap like crazy for a mace that will probably fetch 150g+


as much as i wish this crap was cheap, it isnt, so pst me in game and you can either buy it, or replace the stuff. I usually got like 75% of the lowest AH price per stack within guild when it comes to stuff like this. so i guess all you need is to sweet talk another lock into helping you....


man FP rocks when it comes to helping, we should be renamed Care Bears

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OMG your the BEST!!!...


can you give me an idea of a price?


Like I said 3 Arcanite Bars, and 25 Dark Iron Ore...


Im way short on money currently from paying the vendor fees on the other stuff for the quest...but what I can't cover now, I can owe you, and I can guarantee that people will vouch for my credibility...I will farm my ass off to pay you back (with interest)...


OMG Forgotten Carebears FTMFW!!!!!!

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we should be able to get DM 5man going.. i need mindtap talisman's anyway =P ........unless..............someone gets wife aggro O.o ... dun dun dun!

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Well, mr sarcasm! smile.gif


I will be on around 8pm tonight...


Let's put it this way...if TeAhn is on tonight and sets me up...and then i get those shadow pots made...


I need to do scholo, turn that in, and then i would be GLAD to do DM right after (provided i get a 2 min cigarette break in the middle...and you find a lock w/ the necessary items thats willing to help a brotha out smile.gif


so work your magic, and hopefully by late tonight early tomorrow I should be riding out of DM on my new EPIC MOUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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O.o... how am I supposed to do all that AND get 50 on my secret alt Ka... err... yeah...

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hahaha, how bout I help you get your epic then Solace joins FP? O.o hahahha


pft I don't need help leveling, you 60s just leech my XP =P

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as far as i know, ill be on tonight, and as for payment, whenever is cool, im in no rush, but miroku kinda wants a hearseaker, and thats what that arcanite was going towards. feh, anyways, might as well put it to good use. Oh, and im going on any said DM run for that effing book. Right after the UBRS run to get everyone keyed, or right before, dont care what order, more loot for meeeeee..........

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Miroku and TeAhnPrime....




You guys ROCK!!! ohmy.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifohmy.gif


Almost there......only need to do the instance runs now! smile.gif


Shoop!!! Find me a friendly neighborhood lock for the dm part hahaha

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wait! let me farm 600g first! lol... i'll try =P

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I can make the shadow protection as well. Just run into that same ghost musroom problem. Took me an entire morning to do for old guildy, 24 needed. They sell for like 1g a piece due to the hassle of gathering them. I can gather them easily enough in maraudon. Being a rogue help's. We have a few other rogue alchemist's as well, maybe we could all go there and get it done quicker anyone down for that.

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Grats on the epic...I still need tribute runs, btw...*cough*


If you guys ever need arcanite transmutes (or for whatever reason find yourself with either a earth or fire essences and want to convert one into the other...) I have 3 alchemists on rotation. I cant gurantee that all 3 will be able to transmute if you randomly message me, but on any given day at least 1 is usually free.


Working on a 4th alchemist...how the hell did I get suckered into this job? Druid in a bottle I say...

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Ill help make those pots for you, but Ill be gone for about a week. Sooooo you should be able to get someone else to do it faster, hehe.

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You need trib runs? I LOOOOVE doing trib runs...


i can make the widgets too smile.gif


we will have to set some up soon

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ceridia how much did it cost u overall for the mount im working on getting mine now any help on how to do things easier would be nice smile.gif... ill ask u in game. c ya





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I actually saved A LOT of money w/ mine


firstly...you will NEED 150g for the stardust...there is NO way around that


then the scales, potions, ore, arcanite...i got loans for most of that stuff...

(THX! TeAhnPrime smile.gif


Then you gotta do the Scholo run..I CONFIRMED the easiest way to do this is in a 10-man raid...go through the raid (MAKE THEM KILL RAS smile.gif

when all is done...ask nicely to be promoted to leader (i asked the leader this BEFORE the run...as its the polite thing to do)


then kick everyone from the raid after they say their goodbyes..and walked back down to ras's room let that imp out @ the alchemy lab...done


Now here is the tricky part...you can save yourself 250 gold on the last 3 items for the ritual..but you need to find a warlock who has done it to help...(i dont have the items...as i didnt buy them)


I can tell you that Penelopee will PROBABLY help you with it...however, he charges 125g....

If you ask Readyakira i think he will help with it...as he was going to help me....Then you get a 5-man...(you, the other lock, priest, warrior, rogue) or something similar and do the DM part...(there are walkthrough ALL over the net...and the other warlock will know what to do smile.gif


if you more questions just shoot me a pm in game smile.gif

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