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Just wanted to say hey to all you guys. I am Zygar -GM of Unforgiven Prophets. Saw that Stangmeister made a few posts on our site. Just like to let you know that your all welcome, maybe we can start some fun world PvP between the guilds. Funny I remember the first time I saw one of you guys around I was like, "aww hell no, is this a joke?" But then I found out yall had been on here for sometime. Got alot of my guildies askin if we have anything to do with you guys, I just respond by saying CoS!! <--(Camp on Site fer the nubs) But yea I love goin against you Tier2 guys in BG's or anywhere, some of yas are worth some honor believe it or not. Laff.


But anyways, grats on Nefarian all, I know thats some hard work and dedication for that stuff. UP is working on farming ZG, and getting the numbers (consistant numbers) for MC. So grats to all and looking forward to some fun.



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LOL you said the same thing to yourself as I did to myself when I saw one of you guys. I was like OH NOES! they are copiers. welcome to our forums its good to hear you are working on MC. Remember its not just loot its about having fun. If you remember that your guild will prosper.


Nice to meet you and I'll see you and your guild in game wink.gif

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That's because your forgotten... not unforgiven.... DUHHHH

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For the longets time I thought you guys we're a collection of hordies that just didn't like us.




welcome to our webiste. I shall continue to kill all of you that I see on sight. BUT! you'll get a warm greeting, maybe even a hug!!



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Haha... yea i've been to ur forums a few times... i'll register and troll over there too!!


I pretty much always engage when I see a UP... just for some fun! =)

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still waiting to cathc u when u aint runnin around like achicken wit yer head cut off tryi to stay with a swarm of other allies ecthelion or however its spelled, yah icu foo:)

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Haven't you learned? Paladins work best in groups! Someone, needs to bring the DPS to the dinner table. tongue.gif

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PS. pwease dun kill me im not wrth much honor i swear smile.gif...seriously tho lol laugh.gif

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i thought they stuck together so they could all bubble and heal each other till they get killed hehe laugh.gif hate that lol

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Cant say you've actually OWNED me staright up w/o havina bit of a scrap on yer hands to many times and i know you've stopped givin me honor on more than one day 8)

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zy, consider this the place to post anytime a member of your guild does something that upsets you....we will be the 3rd party that can get your indirect/vicarious revenge

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Cant say you've actually OWNED me staright up w/o havina bit of a scrap on yer hands to many times and i know you've stopped givin me honor on more than one day 8)


Ill be looking for you soon...


/pulls out [item]Grand Marshal's Claymore[/item]

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I'm only a lil bit scurred u hit hard b4 but i have confidence i will keep ya stunned up long enuff ta get ya killed lol smile.gif go me

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oh yah and my gear is new spec so when i do take a piece of ya recognize heheh

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Beorn is kind of a big deal. People know him. He has many leather-bound books and his apartment smells of dead orc rogues. Mouthy orc rogues that bit off more than they could chew.

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Mouthy orc rogues with signatures WAY above the "You'll be pooned by the mods" standard?

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and i aint meaning to come off mouthy its friendly smack talk play street ball you'll get used to it

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and i aint meaning to come off mouthy its friendly smack talk play street ball you'll get used to it


yes he is mouthy!! Please drop him any chance you get fellas....


as a matter of fact just name the place ..... i will drag him there for some pwnage.


j/k cathal you know i love ya!! <3


/salute to FP

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Whats this about me being chicken?!


/puts up his dukes

alright 'fella, name the place and time.



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