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Hello Everyone!


Been a while since I posted here, honestly because I lost the link to it (my bad, my bad). Anywhos, hows it going?


First, I dont know how many people he know me, but I know a lot of people here (from UCA, dont know how many still remain... but I know that noob Esteban is still here....), so hi!


Yeah, life is going half-decently for me. School, er University is going o.k. I guess, struggling a little bit mainly because I'm not use to the work load or the time managment skills that I need. Still workin' at the same place, been making a lot of friends and all that Jazz.


Not playing as much games, mainly because of school work, but that hasn't stopped me from buying a few, and playing the odd fun/quirky one here and there, like Katamari Damacy, We Love Katamari, and Me and My Katamari (great!). Unfortunally, I have stopped playing WoW all together, just because it doesn't do it for me like it used to (guess being the Beta for such a long time was overkill). Still playing War3 and map making for it.


How are all of you doing? Well, from what i've seen on your home page on the forums you seem to be kicking a lot of ass and taking names, gratz!


Yeah, I'll try to be on these forums more, usually on those posts that don't relate to WoW (blank stare...). And if any of you still play War3, give me a shout on Azeroth (Exist2Inspire is still my acc. name).



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yay! it's exist!


too bad u gave up WoW exist, warlocks are the new shamans of PvP biggrin.gif

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