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yea, i know of no such vote, but i know that the truth behind orc is that you can feed a family of 4 with a family of 4 orcs. nuff said? kill more orcs. especially orc hunters, god theyre like free samples.

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It was me ya bombachode. ORCS FOR T3H WIN BIATCH!!!


NE Druids SUCK!!!! Nerf Alliance!! For the HORDE!!!

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4 orcs... feed a family of 4....? Does that mena I should have stopped eating after my 3rd orc?

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I dunno... I perfer Tauren m'self. [beer Basted Tauren Ribs] FTW! You have to make sure to get them young though, they tend to get hard and bony after a while.

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I've heard undead are pretty good.

Vanin care to enlighten us about eating the undead women? =)









ok, ok, I know I know... thats nasty.

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I'm glad to see that the stew has retaken the lead.... the rest of you, you just have yet to try orc stew... get off your damn Dried King Bolette and get yourself some orc stew (personally I like the shaman variety.. rogue is fairly good too)

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I try to gank shamans and rogues every chance I get in particular as my little "payback" for Heilel.


Not to mention I just like ruining some peoples' day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ROFLMAO laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Orcs are bad asses though, except as hunters and rogues, imo...but prolly best warrior race. (next to tauren and dwarves, of course)

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