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Possible 1.11 patch notes


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This is the best translation so far. Some of the names of spells, places, etc. may be different from the english version since such words may not exist in a translated from in chinese, but you can probably guess what its refering to


Within Eastern Plaguelands, there will be a new 40 man instance. The entrance may be found deep within Stratholme. You will be able to find the gates to this new instance (which I can't translate the name to) on the left side of Baron Rivendare's Slaughterhouse. This new instance will be a city floating in the air.


There will be 4 areas. A hatred zone, death magic zone, death rider zone, and a spider zone. There will be 18 monster bosses. Prepare your frost resistance.


There will be a new set of epic gear for each class. By completing a series of quests for this new instance, players will have access to this 8 piece set.


-All debuff removal spells will have the mana cost reduced. Lower rank skills will have less mana requirements than a higher rank of the same skill. However, lower rank skills may not remove higher level debuffs. For example, rank 1 of a priest's dispel magic ability can only remove buffs/debuffs that are up to level 50.

-Fixed a bug where players will not be able to use their abilities after being MC'ed.

-A lot of tool tips are updated.

-Hakkar's sons no longer yield Zandalar Rep.

-Fixed a bug where under special circumstances a spell is cast, if the target leaves the range of the spell, the spellcaster will be stuck in the spellcasting motion.

-Damage from passive skills now generate the correct amount of threat and will receive the proper threat buffs from talents and items. (guessing they mean thorns)

-The guards in Silithus will no longer put players who are ooc into combat when they use their aoe skills (i.e. cleave attack and demoralizing shout). Casting redemption, resurrection, etc. will no longer cause these guards to attack you.

-All flightmasters throughout the world have been slightly buffed. The flightmaster's guardians can no longer be crowd controlled.

-Totems will now correctly generate threat. A certain shaman skill will no longer cause the threat of totems to raise the shaman's threat.

-Corrected certain water zones that allowed breathing despite not having air bubbles.


PVP Battle Grounds

The amount of honor acquired from winning or losing the game will greatly decrease. However, whenever a point is scored, the amount of honor gained will be greatly increased. If there aren't enough players for a game, there will be no rep or honor gain from this game at all.




Abolish Poison - Mana cost slightly decreased. But will no longer be able to cure poisons above level 50.

Destroy - Fixed a bug where this move will be dodged, parried, or blocked. (no clue what this skill is - direct translation) probably Ravage or some other feral ability



Feign Death - Fixed a bug where a Damage of Time will cause the FD to be resisted

Distracting Shot - This shot will not have a mocking effect as opposed to generating a high amount of threat.

Viper Sting - Will now correctly receive a bonus from spell damage.

Multi-Shot - Will now correctly receive a bonus from spell damage.

Scatter Shot - Is now a skill available to all hunters at level 30.

New Talent - Calm - will replace scatter shot. Using this skill will instantaneously reset the cooldown for aimed shot, multi-shot, and arcane-shot. 10 minute cooldown


Mage - Due to the many changes, all talent points will be refunded. Blah blah blah

- Evocation trainable at lvl 20.

- Arcane explosion instant without talents, talent removed.

- Mana shield redesigned, now reduces damage taken by the mage, but

has a 30 charge limit. While mana shield is up, mage is not affected

by mana burn or mana drain, but those attacks will destroy mana shield

very fast.

- Frost chills will now suffer from the 15 second diminishing effects.

- Frost spells will now correctly receive damage bonus from curse of elements.

- Lower ranks of polymorph will not affect higher level targets.

- Counterspell cooldown lowered.

- Flamestrike direct damage increased, DoT lowered, total damage

remains the same.

- Arcane power now creates a cooldown equal to its duration,

preventing it from being used together with trinkets like ToEP and


- Dampen Magic and Amplify magic now will decrease or increase magic

and healing effects by percentage.

- Detect magic duration increased.

- Ice armor wnow reduces all physical damage taken, increases frost

resistance, and reduces damage taken from frost spells. While ice

armor is in effect, chill effects on the mage is reduced, all melee

attacks against the mage will cause the attacker's attack and movement

speed to be reduced.

- Mage armor now reduces all spell damage received, increases all

magic resistances. While mage armor is up, all hostile spells have a

chance to be reflected. Mage armor can't be dispelled or purged.

- Fire ward will now absorb a higher amount of fire damage. While fire

ward is up, mage will not be affected by impact or blastwave slowing


- Frost ward will now absorb a higher amount of damage. While frost

ward is up, mage will not be affected by frost nova or frostbite, and

will be immune to freeze traps.

- Frostbolt's chill effect will now slow less, but will last longer.

- Lower rank spells have a lower chance to proc frostbite, ice armor

will no longer proc frostbite.

- New spell: Steal magic. When activated, next non-AoE spell cast on

the mage can be stolen, and its effects canceled, but if the spell is

resisted, it can't be stolen. If the spell is stolen, the mage can

cast that spell once, damage will be equal to damage received by the

mage, not affected by damage gear or effects, but can be affected by

arcane power. Holy spells can't be stolen.

- Clearcasting can no longer be dispelled or purged. Fixed bug where

clearcasting would not be used up.



Hammer of Justice - Effect upgraded, can no longer be resisted.

Divine Favor - fixed a bug where the buff would not disappear

Judgement of Crusader - Now properly receives bonus from spell damage

Judgement - When a target is being judged, he cannot vanish or stealth. (WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Redemption - You will no longer be able to use lower ranks of this skill once higher ranks are learned.

Divine Intervention - Can no longer be used on MC'ed units (Razorgore???)



Touch of Weakness - Different ranks of this skill will no longer stack.

Blessed Recovery will now 5/10/15% healed over time instead of the original 8/16/25%.

Feedback - The shadow damage that this skill does will now slightly increase.

Desperate Prayer - Will not properly receive bonus from +healing items and talents.

Ressurection - You will no longer be able to use lower ranks of this skill once higher ranks are learned.

Mind Control - When the target takes damage from the caster, there will be a chance that the mind control will break.



Rupture - Fixed a bug where this skill was dodged, parried, or blocked.

Sap - Fixed a bug where lightning shield will break stealth when the rogue casts sap.

Blind - can now be properly resisted (WTF!!!)

Adrenaline Rush - while the amount regenerated will not change, the matter of regeneration will change (meaning not 40 every tick).


Shaman - Due to the many changes, all talent points will be refunded. Blah blah blah

I'll do this later



Summon - When the target is "too close" to the warlock, he/she may not be summoned

Shadowburn - Fixed a bug where the warlock would not receive a soul shard when the target receives too much damage from shadowburn.

Soul Link - When your pet takes damage, the warlock will now appropriately take a portion of the damage.



Whirlwind - Corrected so that the next 3 attacks will receive the +hit bonus

2h Specialization- Now increases the chance to hit by 1/1/2/2/3% and damage increased by 1/2/3/4/5%.

Enrage - This talent has been redesigned. When enraged, the warrior's damage will increased by 8/16/24/32/40%. Each successful hit will reduce this by 1/2/3/4/5%. Effect lasts 12 seconds.

Bloodrage - This talent has been redesigned. When the warrior is victim to a crushing blow, his maximum life will increase by 2/4/6%.

Duel Wield Specialization - In addition to the damage gain, the warrior's chances to hit will also be increased by 1/2/3/4/5%.

Charge - Fixed a bug where the warrior can charge a target who is out of range. In addition, charge will now remove all movement impairing effects on the warrior.

Intercept - Fixed a bug where the warrior can intercept a target who is out of range. In addition, charge will now remove all movement impairing effects on the warrior.

Berserker Rage - The warrior is immune to fear but is still susceptible to damage

Death Wish - The warrior is immune to fear but is still susceptible to damage

Recklessness - The warrior is immune to fear but is still susceptible to damage

Mortal Strike - Will now properly affect life-leeching abilities (i.e. shadow embrace).

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Huh... unresistable HoJ, AND no stealthing while judged? I smell a new "nerf paladins" flamewar. :roll:

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Whirlwind - Corrected so that the next 3 attacks will receive the +hit bonus


Hmmm... Perhaps they mean 'the addition 3 targets' since its an AoE ability.


2h Specialization- Now increases the chance to hit by 1/1/2/2/3% and damage increased by 1/2/3/4/5%.


+hit is shenanigaines for 2handers anyways.


Enrage - This talent has been redesigned. When enraged, the warrior's damage will increased by 8/16/24/32/40%. Each successful hit will reduce this by 1/2/3/4/5%. Effect lasts 12 seconds.


So enrage will only last 5 attacks now? Eh, at least we got out 40% back. Woohoo! Wait... did they actually give warriors a buff?!


Bloodrage - This talent has been redesigned. When the warrior is victim to a crushing blow, his maximum life will increase by 2/4/6%.


So, bloodrage no longer gives rage? Straight to the ability trash bin with Rend.


Duel Wield Specialization - In addition to the damage gain, the warrior's chances to hit will also be increased by 1/2/3/4/5%.


OMG A BUFF?! A small one, but a buff none the less!


Charge - Fixed a bug where the warrior can charge a target who is out of range. In addition, charge will now remove all movement impairing effects on the warrior.

Intercept - Fixed a bug where the warrior can intercept a target who is out of range. In addition, charge will now remove all movement impairing effects on the warrior.


Holy F*** ANOTHER BUFF?!?! I'm starting to think these notes are fake.


And the rest don't seem to have changed really.

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So what happens when esteban falls in the lava and I have to summon him out of it? Will he be too close?

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if this is true for mages... i'm rolling a lock or a shadow priest... i'm serious... if they nurf AP/Trinkets again for us I'm quiting...

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Distracting shot will now have a Mocking Effect, oh now this is getting interesting wink.gif

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"Abolish Poison - Mana cost slightly decreased. But will no longer be able to cure poisons above level 50. "




Does that mean if anything about lvl 50 casts poison on a dr00d, they can't cure it?? Or...?

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Im assuming that's a bad translation. It seems silly to make us use Remove Poison instead of Abolish Poison after lvl 50.

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WTF they're making either AP or the trinkets for mages useless if this is true.


sad.gif /soothe Stricnyne

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Distracting shot will now have a Mocking Effect, oh now this is getting interesting wink.gif



it said will NOT have a mocking effect insterad of a large aggro gain as intended blah blah blah so this should help.


and now i get to respec a bit because of the scatter shot not having to be spec'd into, i'm excited.


and now we need more bag space for frost resist, fire resist, nature resist, shadow resist, trade skill items, keys, standard gear, quest items, food drink, pet food, arrows. i don't have that much room.

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Distracting doesn't have a mocking effect so why would it say it won't have it after the patch. I think it was a mis translation of now to not.

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Hey I like the trinket/ap thing.. too bad its gonna crew up with my mind quickening gem sad.gif


Mages just need survivability. I kinda like the sound of the new spell. biggrin.gif

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Hmmm... I'm hearing rumors that instead of Hammer of Justice, it is in fact Holy Shock. Which would mean I'll probably be respeccing if it becomes worthwhile. wink.gif

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The WoW Warrior forums posted something slightly different with Bloodrage. They posted it is a Bloodcraze change. 2%/4%/6% health increase on a killing blow. Which makes much more sense.

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The WoW Warrior forums posted something slightly different with Bloodrage. They posted it is a Bloodcraze change. 2%/4%/6% health increase on a killing blow. Which makes much more sense.


few. Least I dont have to respec now.


Seems to me that Warrs got semibuffed and Mages got seminerfed.

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WoW warrior forumt hread thingy said the changes to Zerker rage, deathwish and recklessness was that the effects now apply to deathcoil O_o

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they cant get rid of bloodrage. its one of my most used talents lol

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assuming thats true...


but is it me or does it sound like they are making mages worse? why cant we get a total revamp like priests who became phenominal?


im waiting to see spells wil now have a dminishing effect, succesful spell casts will now increase the target's resistance to that tree of magic...

or better yet, mages will now be condensed to 2 spells, conjure water and arcane brilliance



im with you 9, they do all that poopy im rerolling too

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lmao as some things sound awesome others sound a bit to hard to believe.. jsut remember that this is all translated by someone from chinese when certain words/symbols in chinese do not properly convert to english so when something says it can't... then maybe it can or when someone says +to hit/attack, then it could orly mean aoe or multi hit.... sioo tas this rox, it still leaves somequestions to be answered ... but nice nice

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I can say this much if those changes to hunters are true and i get a talent that is the ZG hunter trinket im going back to GS for a while to make you guys cry, be ready to hit ur release button. laugh.gif

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Hmmm... I'm hearing rumors that instead of Hammer of Justice, it is in fact Holy Shock. Which would mean I'll probably be respeccing if it becomes worthwhile. wink.gif


I doubt its Hammer of Justice. Making a six second ranged stun that can't be resisted is a bit much.

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If those pally changes are true, I shall live in AB.


Once I respec there will be nothing that will be able to stop me!

Mage? Warlocks? Eye for an Eye!

Rouges? Warriors? Judgement / Reckoning!

Druids? Lots of sleep!!

Priests? ...


yeah I've got nothing there.

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