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Following in the footsteps of Klaudia (since she's already got a lot on her plate) and acting on an idea inspired by Nomadx and Erlin . . .


FP bumper stickers???


I have mocked up five possibilities (shown below). The cost would probably run around $2.50 per piece. The more ordered - the less the cost. And of course, inversely, the less order - the higher the cost. First though the designs must be selected.


The ovals are the standard 4 x 6. They are set for color, there are no other options. The font is selectively variable on #1 and 2.


Rectangular 3 x 10 stickers are selectively variable, both on font and color.


The samples are simplistic. We could get into including avatars but there would be an increase in (my effort) price for each of those individually.


Let's see what kind of interest lies in the production and pick some designs if it's going to fly.
















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zomg... can you do the ones that you put in windows? like the plasticy rubber looking stuff?!!! ZOMG I'll buy 5

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i live Oval #3 the best, and rectangular 3 as well


hell, i'll prolly buy em all

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zomg if you make the ones for windows that are restickable i'll totally buy some!

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stickers that go on windows and are restickable = Statics.


Oh yeah oval 3 don't like the rectangular ones. Remind me to much of actual bumper stickers and my mother taught me long ago that bumper stickers suckle

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Oval 3!


Makes me wonder...do other guilds have paraphanelia, or are we just that awesome?

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Thats funny , yeah I vote for #3 too. I think the one Ii saw was from a local prep school in the town I was in (Fairfield Prep).

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#3! if you can make 'em decals...I might just stop teasing Danarus....maybe


btw, I don't care the price...I'd love for Veni Vidi Vanin! to be on it! I

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Oval 2 and 3 are the best =)


i could totally go for a car sticker! even though i dont have a car here in sydney =(

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