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didnt know wether to laugh or get really pissed off at those doing the ganking...

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I hope theres a vengful God, b/c that is absoulute bull#@$!.

I wish I could say that I was surprised, but honestly the depths to which jackoffs playing this game will sink no longer surprises me.


I fail to see what the point of that was. Other then to make up for having an extraordinarly small penis.

GG #$@#$ers, GG.

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Mmmm that's f-ed up, but truces are so tenuous in this game. Not surprised it happened.

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Its kind of dumb that they did that, but honestly, what were they thinking? Its a pvp server, they announced it was going down... they had to expect at least some kind of griefing from people. I'll admit I laughed a little, but still... show some respect =/

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I dont know if this is the same funeral but i remember reading about something similiar a while back.


Yea.. its sad, but its a game... you cant expect everyone to be on the same wavelength.

But the guys who ruined it executed their plan pretty well.

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I thought it was pretty funny the first time I saw it.


Moral of the story: don't announce this to a server then hold it in contested territory. Honestly...was there any doubt it would happen?


People take this game way too seriously sometimes.

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Well, I found the video pretty funny. I mean WoW is just a game, so you can't take it take seriously. That being said the fact it was during an in-game funeral is somewhat sad on the gankers part but once again its just a game.

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im downloading the hi res version that serenity now had posted on thier site so I can read the emotes and chat logs. I have to say although tasteless it was funny mostly due to the editing. BTW has anyone seen all of that guilds screen shots from the cavern of time.. that place looks CRAZY.

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BTW. WTF UI was that rogue using where you see your taget as a 3-D model? and I'm guessing party members too? thats crazy!

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