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Ok...this post is mainly for the stragglers such as myself, who have not been keyed YET for Onyxia. I feel bad for having to pull members out of their grinding, questing, w/e, to help me get keyed. So...I'm calling forth anyone who is not yet keyed and would like to form a group to git 'er done! If you are keyed and you would like to join the 5-man group...awesome and thank you!

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yea, so im at the part immediately after fordragon opens up a can on onyxia's elite guard. and ive got the medallion thing.

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What do you still need to do, xin?

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I'm at the SW event now. I have no idea what it is though, OR how many people we need.

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The SW event can be soloed, although people might hate you for doing so if they need it too since it's on an hour timer or something like that.


Basically, you walk with this guy to the keep after meeting him at the gates, just stay back and let fordragon kill everything, then talk to the guys.


That's it.

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