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Here is the new and updated videos.


Their is no "opening" or anything yet. Just the videos 1 by 1 and redone with better footage.


I will be adding to this as I finish the rest of the videos.


As always, comments and what not are appreciated.




Razorgore the Untamed


Vaelastrasz the Corrupt


Broodlord Lashlayer












Nefarian Take #2

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Very nice! I especially like Ghosty's whisper! (tee hee)


But seriously....wow. Razorgore is great, but Vael is amazing!

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lol I was just going to say "Maybe you want to blur the chatbars or something"


Other than that, great job. Focus a little more on me next time. /famous

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LoL.. i totally forgot about that.. that is why it is "under construction" ATM.


The fixed Vael should be up in about 30 min or so smile.gif

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zomg awesome videos!! more more!


still downloading broodlord... loved razor & vael... mages hv such fun!


edit: broodlord was nicely done too!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

filefront hosting had some problems and their WM's sent me an e-mail today saying it should be back up and working properly. after i'm done working today, and right before i leave for my event tonight I'll start uploading smile.gif

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nef. nef. nef. nef. nef.

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hosting.filefrot is still down.. I made a youtube account and they won't let me upload a video over 100meg... it's coming... I just need to find a new host..

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BUMP... Nef video is done and up... music is a bit... hard, but once we get the event down to a science I'll do a take 2 and put some more "happy" music along w/ it smile.gif


but until then.. Njoy

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ummmm..nef video = Jay Z something or other MP3... filefront is killin me.. i'll upload it again tonight smile.gif



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  • 4 weeks later...

finally managed to download an uncorrupt version of the nef video(i think the switches or routers plain suck in my building) and goddamn... brings a tear to my eye!

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  • 3 weeks later...

/bump... i did new video of the nef fight, w/ some music I think most of you will like (espically if you liked the 1st song on Fura's Nef video)..


i'm going to put it in a new thread as well.. just thought I would bump this one too smile.gif

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