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The crazy guild leader that screams like a maniac

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OMFG.. THIS has TO BE FAKE MAN. (caps) I can't believe that anyone would listen to him 1.... and 2 I don't see how this guild got all the way to rag with an ass clown leader like this.......



does anyone know what server this guild is?

WHats then name of the guild/player? Wipe club?? DJ Cowio????? Dives???


I think its fake man... he was tanking onyxia.....

Casting on the 1st two in that link.... and Ithink he was both casting and tanking in rag?? ehhh........ wierd


whatchall think.... still though..... this brings me to tears listening to it man.... lol



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Good thing he has all of his energy drinks to keep him going! biggrin.gif


He reminds of the TourettesGuy.com. Only if the tourettes guy played WoW.

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Check this out...... the guy that is yelling all the time is named Dives

Legion of Chromaggus


thats his guild...... I can't find a web site.... he is on a european server....

hes a GUILD MASTER.. tauren Warrior.... has some epic items.. only MC loots and craftable epics... I think his sword popped up as the... defending main hand sword from ZG.... wow.... to funny man.... This guy is real, and is a guild leader.. I can't believe this

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