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So far I've been able to see rain and a sandstorm, but snow seemed to be broken in Winterspring since all I could see were black dots. These shots don't really show how awesome weather is in my opinion. I think you will have to see this stuff for yourself in game to really appreciate it. Also I did not suffer any extra lag due to weather.


Sandstorm in Tanaris






Rain in Ungoro










Sorry about the quality on these. I didn't really want to restart wow and get stuck in a 5000+ queue again just to enhance my graphics :wink:

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The ambience on the test server is awesome... spent 30mins in Q to take a look. And it doesnt mess too much with performance... at least i thought so.


Btw... whatever server they're using for the test server... SC needs it badly!!! There was NO lag on the test server and its crowded with players.

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That's because the server is new hardware.


Blizzard is testing their new server site by using it to run the test servers. Some of the real servers will be transfered to that site after the patch. They haven't said where the site is located, though, which will probably be a factor in which servers get moved.

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OMFG two thinkgs.


1. this weather doesn't turn azeroth into Lagzeroth? thats awesome to hear..... eather is an awesome way to turn the game into a much more beautiful place...


2. New Bliz Servers? really? wow.... just think if they woulda came out with this befor some of our old friends would still be around..... but server econamy would be insane and I be the new servers won't help wit hthe queues but neways... NEW SERVERS, lag free space age shishhh would be awesome. I vote FTW!



and last 3rd this os rather off topic but still testable... they need to make a new island..... this new island would be like... a huge cave or whatever... where we each have our own personal homes. These Homes would/could serve as so much... mainly extra extremely awesome content.... I love HOMES in game. like..... in SWG.. I miss that so much man :-/



cheers friends





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I doubt they could have built new servers earlier. People don't realize that Blizzard's 2005 operating budget was set by Vivendi back in 2004, probably while the game was still in Beta. Sure they had unexpected millions of subscriptions, but they could only use what money their parent company would give them from that. I'm sure that their 2006 budget doubled or tripled so they could make improvements to existing servers and prepair for the upcoming expansion.


Hopefully new content and game improvements will come to us at a faster pace this year.

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