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The morning gang after taking out the emp! And looky there it's Amitash playing the king. Good times thanks guys!


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i vote ecthelion as new king of IF.

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O_o I see how it is, heehee, we coulda rotated, lol Well, At least my Reign as king was a majestic one O_o lol....


I think Nomads toon coulda made a better king though imp.. .he has a glowing brightwood CAIN OF LEADERS there... not just any normal staff...... Looks kist like what a king would have :-)


anyone play SWG???? doesn't it look like I am wearing composite armor there? heehee


fun times guys thanks for comin and helpin us finish it up Each and Kreriov... Sorry bout that .......... ehhh guildie :-/ Xarn and Nomad... the "retri pally" who refused to heal because he was only seconday healer, even after our healer had died.....



fun times

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