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who can make: Black Magew. boots, Spider Belt and Swiftboots

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Initially I though that those items were not worth it because of their long cooldowns but I realize that anything that can make a difference while carrying the ennemy flag is worth trying.


The Black Mageweave boots are a component of Goblin Rocket Boots (speed boost)


Spider Belt negates all movement impairing effects


Swift boots are another speed boost item


I'll also be trying to get the quest that leads to Nifty Stopwatch


Let me know if you can make any of the above. I have collected all the mats



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I might be able to make you the mageweave boots. I'll check my tailoring recipes tonight when I log on. If I can, I'll send you a tell/items.

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Spider Belt negates all movement impairing effects  


If it works like druid shapeshifting does, it doesn't work.


I might be able to make the boots also, I'm not sure yet. (Kasis)


Is Spider Belt tailored? And what about swift boots?

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There's also a run speed enchant for boots.




Believe it's called minor haste.

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I forgot to check, someone remind me in game lol

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The run speed enchant for boots is decent, I know Gryph can do those, as he did mine, if you don't have anyone else that can...


I can make the Spider Belt and the Blk. Mageweave boots. Just send me a tell in game...


(also Shoop mentioned he thinks you can make the Goblin Rocket Helm, I posted a different thread about that...I really need one of those (im gnome eng. so I can wear it, I just can't make it)

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