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now let me get this straight, in wc1 one and two, the orcs were infused with the blood of mannaroth, the blood craze, right?


Now in WC1 & 2, footman and grunts were the same, now these grunts were infused with the blood of mannoroth.


In WC3 (and TFT) Grunts > footman, but in wc1 & 2 they were equal, AND in wc1 & 2 the footman were equal to not only normal grunts, but the fel infused grunts.


In the WC3 missions, these fel infused grunts do chaos damage, which does full damage to all armor types, and supposedly in wc1 & 2, these grunts were Equal to normal footman.


Now in WoW "grunts" and "footman" i suppose are just level 60 guards, anyone else see something wrong here?


BTW First lore forum post FTW!!

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Well, from what I understand it goes like this:


The orcs are corrupted on their homeworld of Draenor and driven to a frenzy by the Burning Legion leading them to destroy their homeworld. Manaroth is the pit lord that commands the fel forces on Draenor, and as such gains his connection with the Orcs.


When they come to Azeroth, they're all crazy-like, and wreak havok untill the dark portal is severed and their link is destroyed. (WC2X)


(WC3) The orcs grow less violent and begin to return to their shamanistic ways in the internment camps. The Burning Legion invades, and a small group of orcs were transformed by Manaroth into what are called Chaos Orcs, having drank his blood. You might note, Thrall's troops did not posess the qualities you describe, while Grom's sumbitted to Mannaroth and did. With Mannoroth slain, the orcs went back to "normal".


The real question is, how did Stormwind and Ironforge go from bieng utterly destroyed at the end of WC2 to the pristine state they are in today. It's been only what, 6 years?

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Um 10 Years from WC3 to WoW and Several from Wc2 > 3 + thats the whole VC/Difias quest line talking about the rebuilding of SW

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so i guess footman got lazy in WC3 8)




anyway, ironforge was never touched in WC2 ( says in manuals), and yes, all that defias stuff was about the rebuilding of SW.

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IF was never breached in WC. It's the sole capital city to remain undefeated.

Kinda why it's the seat of power for the alliance in wow.


Oh, and the timeline is:

WC1 WC2, a 1-2 years (they we're already rebuilding SW in the first mission of the alliance campain for WC2X but I haven't found anything concrete about a time frame) WC2X, 6 years WC3. A few months. WC3X.

10 years, WoW.

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  • 4 weeks later...

so grunts got nerfed down to a level 60 character too, people at blizz must love messing with lore, messes with their customers!

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  • 1 month later...

so grunts got nerfed down to a level 60 character too, people at blizz must love messing with lore, messes with their customers!
I didn't see this post until now. I don't think that orcs got nerfd to come down to footmen. Back in the day they we're equal, I used to have grunts and footen form wc2 duke it out just for fun. Let me tell you that whoever scored the first hit won, every time.


and also in wow, orc warriors > human warriors. So it's not that different.


Human warriors have to rely on skill and guile, orcs just have to mash buttons until you die or they do. =)

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when i meant they got nerfed down, is that i believe blizzard has said a footman from WC3 = one of those 60 guards you see.


grunts were twice as good as footman in WC3, so what happened to all the grunts in wow, they should be at least 65 or so right? the grunts got nerfed (when i say grunts i mean the 60 guards that spawn when you attack a city called *horde grunt*)


so wc1&2 footman = grunts, wc3 footman <grunts,


WoW level 60 horde npc guards (grunts) = level 60 alliance npc guards (footman) (cant be that much of a difference)

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