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Over the next few days we are refining the website, so we need some help.


Please post here if there are issues you see. Such as, you can't see a forum you're supposed to. You can see a forum you're NOT supposed to. Broken links. Stuff like that.


Thanks again to Dagorian and Hykos for getting this off the ground! biggrin.gif

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Hmm well my only issue is that I'm running on a 1024 x 768 resolution, and the site is a bit too wide to fit on my screen. I dunno what resolution most people run on [i'm gonna guess its larger for most people, since yall have all that nice fancy gaming hardware XD] but um... it's not really that important, heh. Just thought I'd bring it up, maybe its an issue to others as well.

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I run 1280X1084 personally and have no issues yet.


But is it just me or is the site running very sluggish?


I can normally pop open thre or four new windows and search and browse at times waiting for topics to open. Is that because of the transfer and old info and old info and being full or is this going to be the new norm?

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I've got a ticket in about the speed... as far as the size goes, let's get you a new video card Klaudia. tongue.gif

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Can we get Hykos and Dag their own rank on the forums. They got the same colors as the Officers at the moment wink.gif

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It's only temporary so we can adjsut things. Believe me, I don't want that responsibility. Not one damn bit.

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  "Gynis" said:
I've got a ticket in about the speed... as far as the size goes, let's get you a new video card Klaudia. tongue.gif


Sounds good to me! XD

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being on probation i cant see the forum to sign up for raids..i see the little tab at the top of the page labled "raids" but its empty...dont know if this is working as intended

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We will get that fixed Sentience. But in the mean time, just use the "raid signups" on the main portal. Its on the left hand side. Etc =)

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Like I said in the other thread, permissions aren't all right yet. Will be fixed by the end of the day.

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Not a functionality problem, but having the New Raid Signup Plugin frame match the length of the web frame would be nice so you don't have to scroll down to scroll down.

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When I go to the fake MC raid, I don't see a "sign me up link." I'm not sure if the forum knows I'm in FP.

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Its not sign me up, i said that wrong. its "Create a character" and its a link next to the "raid information" part of all that writing up top. You'll find it.

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hmm i still don't see any "Create a character"

when I click on "Raids" and then click on "MC-Fake", under Raid Information it says: "Signup Information: Login to signup" even though I'm already logged in.


maybe because I'm on probation i can't sign up? It's not big deal for now, just wonderin'


thanks and sorry to cause a bother smile.gif

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Also, on the raid sign-up sheet showing the breakdown of people. The mage/pally frame is out of sync with the rest of the list.

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just a fyi i still can't see the event forums but i can see the fake-mc in the raid tab. also i can see the member forums and the class forums which since i am a probie i dont think i am supposed to see. i know its a work in progress so i am just letting u know tongue.gif

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I'm impressed . . . Kudos to all who brought about the "issues". I like it. I like it a lot. I think it's /famous.


BYW - everything has worked - well, /famously for me (proby and all).

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Alrite... time to address a few things:


- Quotes... i'm looking into this... none of us hv touched the quote codes but the quotation appears to work on some forums but not on others. This is a bug by the devs behind plus. Hopefully there's a hotfix.


- The banner alone is 1000 pixels... so members will hv to switch to a larger resolution or we'll need a smaller banner (taking all the tables and opther imgs, it'll exceed the 1024 pixel limit).


- phpraid is a standalone package... so its not easy to integrate with the phpbb template... more of a trial and error thing. The groups werent setup so i couldnt fully confighure phpraid but now that they are, i'll get to it.

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Yeah I can log in and everything, and I get into the page showing who's signed up for the Fake MC, but I don't see a character creation or sign up option anywhere. Thanks, and great job on the forum in general, it looks great!

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I actually am having an issue with the size as well. Running 1024x768 resolution and it is just ouside my view, so I need to scroll right to see the end of some posts.



Other than that, very nice site :-D

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- Permissions should be set now for each forum and usergroup. If you have a problem getting in a forum that you should be able to access, or post/reply/etc. in a forum, let me know.

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