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SOOo hows life in FP all? hmm Im at work right now, im a state inspector for the DOT in Florida and Im stuck on workin nights. I been workin nights for about the past two weeks and will be ion them for another two weeks at least....... THis is really makin my play time in WoW very erragular... and anything erragular isn't good. Its real boring at work, but it pays the bills. I just sit here and tell people what to do and when to do it and make sure they are doing it right and makin the right mix. SOoOo whatchall up to tonight? workin? raiding? playing? makeing home videos bentley?..... (lol like Isaid love those vids.)

Florida has been SO COLD latly, thank god not as cold as Ohio where I moved fom last year but never the less, 28 degree nights is cold..... its been warmin up though latly, thank god for this month..

it needs to be warm for all the action:

Daytona 500

Bike week

Spring break

canadian Spring Break

BLACK SPRING BREAK.. word word....(durng that week you need to stay outta daytona.. heehee theres always alot of people dieing then.



Welp. thought Iwould left everyone know what I am doing right now. because Ima boredededed and I know all yall really do care...


I been lookin at http://www.thottbot.com/?f=w&skill=Sword&n...3=&c3=gt&v3=&e= this page droolin latly..


I baught http://www.matisyahu.org/ this groups CD today.....

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workin again... this night is the worst to work because Ill get home tomorrow at around 5-6am....... just when the server drops so I can't be workin on my rank tonight. :-/ I should get knight back thought tomorrow so that'll be nice...... so how is everyones night goin? heehee


I love playin on my new mount :-)

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