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I need help...............................


I think I might be taking a break (from making movies). Can't tell but the motivation has been escaping me as of late. But I have an idea for another movie.


I need each councilor to list the gear on their main (or the character they wish me to refenrce) for an idea I have.


I also need each of the class leaders to send me a list of their armor.


Don't ask your not allowed to know why I want what I want... It's a good idea... like mind control in ZG TRUST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Feel free to post here or PM it to me. I really do appreciate the help and responses.


*tips cap*

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u know what a cool movie would be? 40 lvl 1s on a gank mission..


OR Tale from (wherever) heehee be a director Bentley, I loved watchin all ur other movies now, venture out into a new horizon Directing.Get ur cast and play :-D

just fyi, like I said, I have fun watchxin ur movies they make me laugh

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can i use my alt warrior, im proud of her gear.


Icemetal barbute

lifeblood amulet

big bad pauldrons

carapace of tuten'kash

giantslayer bracers

truesilver gauntlets

belt of golem strength

golemshard leggings

ornate mithril boots

Kang the Decapitator


anything else you need?

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Halo of trans.

tooth of gnarr

mantle of proph.

hide of the wild

robes of proph.

pink mageweave shirt

guild tabbard

magisters bracers

gloves of proph.

girdle of proph.

pants of proph.

dragonrider boots

seal of rivendare x2

shard of the scale

mindtap talisman


oblivion's touch


did i forget any armor slot?

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Well, I'll give you my full list of gear, I'll put asterixes next to what I wear. I won't list the rings, necklaces and trinkets as you probably don't need them for a movie. wink.gif


Set Armor:


Judgement (3/8 ):





Lawbringer (5/8 ):







Lightforge (8/8 )

Imperial Plate (7/7) - Can be combined with Aegis of Stormwind, Light Plate Gauntlets, Moonsteel Broadsword/Hanzo Sword and Chestnut Mare to look like a SW guard!

Valor (1/8 ) - Pants

Wildheart (1/8 ) - Skirt

Magisters (1/8 ) - Shoulders

Devout (1/8 ) - Gloves


Non-Set Armor:



Whitemane's Chapeu



Drakesfire Epaulets



Hydralic Armor






Cenarion Reservist's Leggings



Abyssal Plate Greaves of Restoration

Crystal Lined Greaves*



Onyxia Scale Cloak

Pale Moon Cloak*



Aegis of the Scarlet Commander

Aegis of Stormwind

Crest of Retribution

Zullian Defender



Festive Purple Dress

Red Dinner Suit





Cold Forged Hammer (mace)

Hanzo Sword

Stormstrike Hammer (mace)

The Hammer of Grace (mace)



Blackhand Doomsaw (polearm, looks like a sword)

Finkle's Lava Dredger*

Ice Barbed Spear (polearm)

Jelkik's Crusher (mace)

Sprinter's Sword

Tigule's Harpoon

Torch of Retribution (quest item, looks like a staff)




Chestnut Mare



Whew, I think that's it... and people wonder why I don't have any spare room. wink.gif

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Stormrage Helm

Wildheart Shoulders

Sapphiron Drape

Wildheart Chest

Wildheart Bracers

Cenarion Gloves

Crystalized Girdle

Cenarion Leggings

Cenarion Boots

Sorcerous Dagger

Fire Runed Grimoire

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O.k. well I know there are more class leaders and councilors than this. I will leave the request open until Monday.


On Monday I make the opening scene and go with the people I can create to highlight or make people to the best of my memory... so some of you might be wearing twill gear tongue.gif


Also would like to grab a couple of quotes... how do I record on Ventrilo?

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haha quotes


"Can you get the next fear ward please? Thank you"


"Is there an innervate availible for erlin? Thank you"



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Head : Lionheart Helm

Shoulder: Valor Spaulders

Neck: Onyxia Tooth Pendant

Back: Emperor's New Cape

Chest: Valor Breastplate

Wrist: Wristguards of True Flight

Hands: Flameguard Gauntlets

Waist: Highlander's Plate Girdle

Legs: Eldritch Reinforced Legplates

Boots: Knight-Lieutenant's Plate Boots

Finger: Quickstrike Ring

Finger: Painweaver Band

Offhand: Vis'kag the Bloodletter

Mainhand: Deathbringer / Thekal's Grasp (ClaaaWwWW)

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I'm going off memory, so the names are approximate biggrin.gif



Head: Grand Crusader's Helm (I never have this shown, since it don't match)

Neck: Sergeant Major's Medallion

Shoulders: Lightforge Spaulders

Back: Sergeant's Cape

Chest: Lawbringer Chest

Wrist: Master Sergeant's Wrist things

Hands: Abyssal Plate Gauntlets of Striking

Legs: Lightforge Legplates

Feet: Magma-Tempered Boots

Main Hand: Aurastone Hammer

Off hand: Malistar's Defender


I'm not cool enough to quote, so don't even try it. biggrin.gif

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I disagree Heli


I'm not cool enough to quote, so don't even try it.


from game every 2 seconds:


Stormhelm says: ******

Someone says: ******

Heliacon says: <insert sentance involving Me and Canadian here>

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i put it in the sneak peak part.. but i'll post it here too


Bent... my gear looks something like...


Netherwind Crown (but I never wear it)

Arcanist Shoulders (i don't have them but I don't want my magisters in the video)

Crystaline Threaded Cape

Robe of Winter Night

Netherwind Bracers

Arcanist Gloves

Netherwind Belt

Netherwind Pants

Arcanist Boots

Glowing Brightwood Staff... but you could give me a SoD

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