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whats the best talents for a hunter, so far i have put everything into marksmanship. but i want to make sure i am going the best way possible. thanks for any advice

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Typically with classes there is no *BEST* Talent, a lot of it has to deal with your play style. I've only leveled my hunter to 20 something so I'm probablly not the best person to ask, but try some different specs, find one that suits you. If Marksmanship doesn't work out, you can always switch.


I do, however, believe that marksmanship is a VERY popular spec.

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From what I have seen, while leveling Beast is the way to go. The stronger your pet is the less damage you have to do which means the less mana you have to use so in theory the less downtime you would have.


Once hitting 60 there is really 2 different ways to go, Marks or Survival. At this point it is more of a personal choice since both are very good specs.

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yeah i haven't found too much difference in marks or survival besdies paly style i love survival more so thats where i am again. 50g respec ftl survival for me is ftw =D


i usually go 21 marks 30 survival or

7 beast 31marks 13 survival

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Yea as far as lvling is concerned BM is the way to go... i was 20/XX/0 when i lvl'd my hunter and could farm forever as long as i was careful.


At 60... i choose to pvp with some pve every now and then (baron and stuff) i tried out 0/21/30 for awhile and its awesome spec but i feel a hunter with better gear would reap more out of it (lightning reflexes). I'm currently 0/32/19 and am hving the bomb. My gear isnt great but i can general hold my own in pvp. =)

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I've got a level 50 hunter that has been marksman sice day 1 I have yet to respec a single one of my characters. I can tell you this though:


Marksman is very good for general PVE and can hold its own PVP

Beast is decent PVE and very strong PVP especially vs casters

Survival seems to be very PVP oriented and pretty sick for AB. I'm sure it has a decent amount of PVE merit.


So pick what you want to ultimately do and go with it biggrin.gif Hunters are powerful no matter what you do this just fine tunes it.

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The winner of the best talent for a hunter is:

<drum roll>




thanks for playing


Ranged Rouge: 1second cast, You hurl itty bitty rouges at people, they do a bagillion DPS and have a chance to stun your target. Also there is a 5% chance that you will spontaneiously recieve 5g from the farmer that spawned from the spell.

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I have to disagree with you, I really do wish I would have leveled up with Beast spec, it makes the grind so much easier. It's once you hit 60 that you play around and see what you like the best wink.gif

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Shame they nerfed the 31 beast talent, I was expecting since the dmg was reduced so much that the duration would get a significant buff, but it didn't go up much at all =/

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But a talent 1 teir down got buffed as well wink.gif

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i've never tried a full BM spec and never will, i was 60 when the tree got fixed and my needs are elsewhere. good luck with it if you go in that direction.

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the best talent Ihave seen personally is

Ice trap~~~~~~~Kite

Ice trap~~~~~~~Kite

Ice trap~~~~~~~Kite

/dance with pet on Ice trap~~~~~~~~~~~Kite

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I'm practicly full Mark spec w/ a few in survival and beast. My thoughts were in most raids pets are not used so why train in them also for PVP I do very well. However while lvl'ing up I would recommend beast to keep your pet strong so less downtime then play w/' the spec's to see what best suits you.

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This has kinda become a spec thread... how about a specific talent that, in your opinion, has made a huge difference.


Seeing as i prefer pvp on my hunter... i'd hv to say scatter shot gets my vote.

Its awesome... any horde thats like 1-3% on life gets too close = dead. Melee classes finally get close to you and start giggling that they've got you... guess again!

I cannot fathom how pissed off some of my adversaries must hv been when scatter shot changed the tides of the battle.


What about you guys?

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