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One of our mages popped AP + ToEP + ZHC and got BA first. He did 16k dmg in roughly 4-5 seconds. Our tank didn't stand a chance, lol...

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? 16k over 15 seconds...


I don't care about the dps... I care , like nyne, about how big the crits are.

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Mages and warlocks go nuts when they get this debuff, and my post was more laughing at the warriors who try to hold aggro against such an unstoppable force.


I think the current crit record belongs to a warlock pre-1.9 (when they nerfed Curse of Shadow) on a wyrmguard overlord or whatever those big dragonid things in BWL are called. 16k ish or so. Might have been around 18k.


I heard Flamingcloud has to use lower rank spells to avoid pulling aggro.

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I heard Flamingcloud has to use lower rank spells to avoid pulling aggro.


Give me that kind of gear for pvp =P


oh and it was 4-5s not 15s este, meaning the crits were probably pretty nice

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ZOMG. so when u getting me the hero charm trinket eh?



/target stricnyne /sheep


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