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Im curious if your responses would be the same if it were an all christian or all straight guild.


Being straight its relatively uncontroversial, religion is highly controversial.


As far as it just being a "gay-friendly" guild, it had to have been slightly more than that, because we are a gay friendly guild, and there are probably numerous other guilds across wow that are also gay friendly.

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Im curious if your responses would be the same if it were an all christian or all straight guild.


I beleive Blizzard is stating that saying 'GLBT friendly' or anything related to sexual preference, violates their 'sexually explicit clause'.

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Im curious if your responses would be the same if it were an all christian or all straight guild.


I beleive Blizzard is stating that saying 'GLBT friendly' or anything related to sexual preference, violates their 'sexually explicit clause'.

Holy shit..


Can some tell me since when being gay or lesbian and saying it publicly is considerated as ''sexually explicit''???

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But hey, I'm a mathematician, I treat people as spheres.

What if Im a cube??

Then you are simple and easy to understand. I learned all that there is to know about your kind in high school geometry. Also, you don't roll so your not as cool. 8)


I think that the big thing is being missed here. Blizz didn't disban the guild, they just asked them to stop recruiting on the WoW Forums. It's sad that they can't, and personally I'd much wrather leave the guild alone and let this unfold. However, I think that this is going to cause far fewer headaches for all parties involved.



It's really really sad that this is even something worth discussing. I long for the day when sexuality isn't worthy of notice anymore.

Random person #1: "hello, I'm gay"

Random person #2: "So?"


/rant off

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i love blizzards stance on the sexual harassment policies. i'm gay and they are doing a good job of protecting us as well as straight people who don't want to hear about it. blizzard only limits what happens on their servers. that is their right and you pay money and agree to follow their rules. this is a private organization and to avoid law suits based on sexual harassment they ban all actions similar to this. recruiting based on race, sexual orientation, nationality, age, and the like are all covered.


believe it or not a lot of gay people want to be heard more than others so a few have cried to the press and the press prints it because its golden mana to feed to the bleeding hearts of the public. blizzard is in the right the players are in the wrong. recruit how you wish on your own guild forums don't bring it into the game.





To Andrews, however, Blizzard's position doesn't hold water in a game that provides keyboard commands that allow characters to say things like, \"Homogenized? No way, I like the ladies!\"


ZOMG that joke is funny.

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blizzard caved into that fool Andrews girl. grrr

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