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I've been doing alot of AV lately and was wondering if anyone had any tactics or strategies that work well in AV.


Im learning things that help but I would like to know more about it.


I also had a few questions-

Is there any point to taking the mines? what do they do once you have 1, or 2?


What do the druids do?


Where are the wing commanders? and what do you do once they are out? and whats up with the beacons?


Also....whats the damn Wyvern thing that keeps knocking me back??? and would you reccomend try to kill it?



Thanks to anyone who posts.

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I never did learn what the mines do, exactly. I think if you turn in enough resources you get a ground assault maybe? I'm not sure.


The druids are for summoning Ivus. More on that later.


The wing commanders are in the enemy towers and need to be escorted home. The provide air support. The beacons allow them to see their target, if the beacon is destroyed, I believe the no longer fly, but I'm not sure on that.


The Wyverns are the horde air support. You would not be able to kill one alone.



The tactics I used when I led AV on my mage go something like this:



First off, have one group with a mage and healer in it defend SH. Have them call for help when they need it.


Miroku does this bit differently, but its a matter of style, really. Contest SF in your favor. If you take it, fine, but at least contest it. This is usually done and defended by the rogue group. They are to remain there until IB is completely secure. Have about 15 alliance tie up the horde around the area between SF and SH. The remaining 20 alliance then meet at SH bunker. Repeatedly charge IB until you take it. The way I got pickups to follow this was to tell Everyone to meet behind SH bunker. I would get 15-20, the rest would be doing whatever it is they do.


Once you contest IB, have all of those who were between SF and SH finish off the horde there and immediately head to IB to defending from the horde resing at FW. When you have taken IB, the rogue group can leave SF and make their way to FW. At this point, just hold IB, and have a few people destroy IB Tower. Once that is destroyed, take about 10 people, with a MT and healer or 2, and kill the captain, while the rest of the raid holds IB.


I believe Miroku does this part differently as well. Once IBT and the Captain are finished, push for the next tower and destroy it. You will have to defend IB at the same time, I generally get to the top of the tower whenever it is contested and watch IB GY from there so that I can call when it needs help or go help myself.


Once that is destroyed, it is time for the FW push. If your rogues are good and they can ninja it, go to them as soon as they do and help defend it. Otherwise, let them keep working on it, or the RH if they get frustrated, and start mounted charges to FW from the IB flag. This is where it starts getting hard to get people to listen. I guess they think once we're winning the horde will just roll over and die. Doesn't work that way. If you need to use ram riders for this push, do so.


Once you have taken FW, the hard part begins. Make sure someone is defending IB at all times. You need 2 successive GY's in order to be safe. If the horde take IB, there's a good chance they'll take FW and push you back to the starting position. Of course, you have already destroyed a lot, so you do still have the advantage.


The rogues should work on ninja'ing the RH, and the main alliance group should be trying to destroy the FW towers. I generally go West then East. At this point, people really don't listen because they think its over. Far from it. So this is when I have them go back to base by group to turn in items. If we get air support, great, but what I'm really after is Ivus. Make sure to remind everyone to turn in Storm Crystals to the druids behind the North (I think?) tower and give constant reports as to how close you are. When he is ready, send 10 people to the FoS to summon him. He will hang out in the FoS for a good 5 minutes before moving on the horde base. Make sure to buff and heal him, and do not let the horde kite him to their general. CC the kiters in any way possible.


Ivus should help you push enough to destroy one, or if you're lucky, both of the towers. If you do not destroy either, I consider that failure. If you only get one, you will have to push for the other, which will take considerably longer, but it is significantly easier with one tower destroyed.


When both towers are destroyed, its time to begin making pushes for the RH. Just keep pushing it until you contest it, then defend it with everyone you have until you own it. At that point, pick a tank, and kill the general.

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Thanks SHoop. Yes the druids are behind the north tower. How do you keep track of how many you need? is there a mod? or do you just go by what the druids say?




Anyone else want to post some strategies up here? Miroku?, Hinanin? (these are just the people I know who have led winning AV's if there are others than Im sorry I missed you) (oh yea,..and SHoop has led winning ones too)

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No problem.


Yes by what the druids say, I'm not sure if there exists a mod to track it.

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