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You gotta see this.


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I believe.. this is the most absolute coolest thing I've ever seen in my life.

If there were catagory's of cool, this would fit in them all. If i had to rate this on a 1-10 (1 lowest 10 highest) cool chart, it would easily be a 12.

If there was, by chance , a canyon filled by cool things... this would encompass them all. Now I dont want anyone trying to figure out that last sentence....



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I remember the first time I saw that animation I couldn't stop thinking "wow, that animator is really good at what he does!" Next time you watch it, look at the detail on the "brush strokes"

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Both of those were pretty cool. I think I liked the drums better though.

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I actually thought the plant and the butterfly were pretty cool...heh.


But yeah, that's the first time I've seen the drum one and it's pretty cool.

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Yah, the drums are kick ass. They beat the bunny hands down


Kind of the way I beat you hands down, in "Best WoW forum post ever" thread contest?



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Oh shit, didn't see you reply, after all that waiting I stoped checking. I'll get right on it.

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  • 5 months later...

heh I have a TON of screenshots from the bunny video sitting on my comp. It makes a good desktop.

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Haha, I know Kopi, I lookeed at thsi thread and was like "Didnt I put this up...like 4-5 months ago??" hehe.

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