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I heard that Blizzard will be disabling OOC rezzing in ALL instances.


This \"tip\" from the Dungeon Tips section seems outdated or at least unclear to someone who likes to argue:  




Hide the Resurrecting Player  

If you have enough players (such as in a raid), you can have one player that is capable of resurrecting hang back and remain out of combat (no crossed swords over level). If everyone dies, this player can come in and resurrect the party. If you've had a bad pull and the puller cannot \"suicide,\" then this is another option.


That tip is not something we support. We'll have it removed.  


Out of combat ressing was never an intended game mechanic. In an upcoming patch, it will become increasingly difficult to perform out of combat ressing. The only intended combat resses are things along the lines of the Druid ressurection and soulstones.  


With that being said, I sympathize with the original poster's concern. Yet at the same time, please understand that no one has gotten \"easy epics\" because of this tactic alone. Like previous posters have mentioned, being on the cutting edge of the raid game often times leaves you fighting more difficult versions of encounters. There is some give and take here.

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Paladins don't heal! Except Ecthelion, he's my hero.



But he still doesn't have dps! smile.gif

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i saw this =\


what are siege and valdez gunna do?


What? Haven't you heard? I've been usurped! Like, last domo run I was in group 2 and healing and stuff. It was wierd. :shock:

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It's pretty much impossible to OOC res people in BWL...the only way we've been able to sucessfully do it is phase 2 nefarian with a combat res on a resser and shadowmelded priests. These are only worth 1 res though before the resser is put in combat.

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Paladins don't heal! Except Ecthelion, he's my hero.



But he still doesn't have dps! smile.gif

I need to try my new mace out joe, wanna voulenteer your face?



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