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I know...i know..



Its hard out here for a pimp.






Stop stealing my lines... this is my life, and I gotta survive.

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I am talking about, we know how to do everything already.  There is no discovery.  The only thing we need to do learn to do it faster.   Sure there are moments where you might say, lets try and do all core-hound packs at the same time.  Lets pull 3 firelords at once and kill them.  


But really, how much does that happen?  Where you know how to beat a certain encounter, and rather then take the safe path, you take an more risky path and try and save a few minutes?


Because you don't go then please don't assume how it is. We have been changing our strats to get through them faster. We now do AOE the hounds from the start, we now take on 2 firelords at a time. Each pull I let mobs have more and more health when I pull the next one. Please do not make comment on things that you have not seen for yourself because at times, like this one, you will be wrong.



Actually if you care to read what I actually wrote, then maybe you would realise I was talking about when I went and not "how it is now"


I reread that post 3 times. No where does it say "When I went." You did say "No one wants to try something new." I was informing you that since you do not go on our raids now you don't know how it is and you are assuming.

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I reread that post 3 times.  No where does it say \"When I went.\"  You did say \"No one wants to try something new.\"  I was informing you that since you do not go on our raids now you don't know how it is and you are assuming.


However, when did I say I was talking about the FP? Just because I do not talk about black does not mean I am talking about white.


Now I have been in a bunch of MC raids, not nearly as many as you, and when I said 10, that was with FP. I proabbly have done 16 or so outside of FP.


Here I am clearly NOT talking about the FP.


How long is a typical MC run, BWL run, Onyxia run, and ZG run?


And here again, with a tad of logic and reasoning, you can tell, I am not talking about FP. How? Because if I was, I would know how long it took and would not even need to ask.


I am talking about, we know how to do everything already.


Ok this is a little ambigious. However, reading into it you should get that "we" means the collective of WoW. Not me, not you, not the alliance, not the horde, but everyone. Also its not about MC or BWL, but everything. Its ZF, Ulderman, Dead Mines, Grobber, and even which quest is a waste of time and which isn't. Its about, when you goto BRD, hug this wall to avoid the mobs, let a rouge run up and unlock the bridge across the lava.


But it is mostly things like me as a warlock or mage saying, "Lets not sap and sheep, just pull them all and Ill AoE them to death." and everyone going no, it has a small risk. It is the player base in general finding the path of least resistance, and once found, is highly resistant to making any changes.


It is also people powering through quests without even reading the quest text and getting pissed off at you when you DO stop to read the quest text.


That is what you should have gotten from that statement.


I play for the fun of the game, not for the loot.


This is my motivation to play this game, not loot. However fun is subjective, and if instead I asked, "Is going to MC fun?" what are you goign to say? Maybe the low proabbility of getting purple set gear is fun for you. Maybe spending 6 hours doing the same thing is fun for you. Its not for me.


Now it seems like most of you seemed convinced that I am looking for a free ride, well that is your opinion and there is nothing I can say to change your mind. I have been tried and found guilty already.


I guess that means I will not be going to MC or BWL with you. Once I am 60, Ill most likly be in one BG or another. It may be a grind, but it is a fun one at last.

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Please excuse me as I am confused.


Now I have been in a bunch of MC raids, not nearly as many as you, and when I said 10, that was with FP. I proabbly have done 16 or so outside of FP.


followed up by



I guess that means I will not be going to MC or BWL with you. Once I am 60


So your not 60 and have been to MC 10 times with FP and 26 times total? Just a little confused.



Now it seems like most of you seemed convinced that I am looking for a free ride, well that is your opinion and there is nothing I can say to change your mind. I have been tried and found guilty already.  


I would disagree with this statment as well. People are trying to insure that is not your motive and you are putting up little argument to discourage this belief from what I have read.


I would think that if the officers thought you were here strictly to abuse the system, not be friendly, not be part of the team and get free loot they would just remove you rather than talk. So I think that your attitude about people taking offense to a statment that officers and members alike all read as either poorly phrased or a poor attitude is off track. Maybe if you put as much fight into saying hold up guys I misphrased it. I just was wondering about how long it takes because I haven't gone for awhile and I took a break and maybe have a reason to have limited times at certain times or what not you would come off alot better than negative remarks you have used as a defense thus far.


The ball is in your court. Pick it up and play. We would love the extra player, we just don't want someone who sits on the bench and then celebrates the championship after doing nothing.

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I really think that what the dood meant was that now that he might be able to afford to stay the full run he might wanna join us. Not that he wanted to join us now that we were faster.


I think your mentality is set up that if you cant go to the whole thing you shouldn't go. That if you had taken so much time and only progressed so far it makes every run you did look like some sort of demonstration. I used to feel that way too. At times I hated it that I had spent 2 months without seeing Rag down, or seing my epic count go up. The thing is I also realized that sticking around to hear Vanin to WHAAAMMMMMY!, or have every one laugh at my "How YOU doin'" and those kinds of silly things were what it was all about and in the mean time we were slowly progressing through the game (even though I was not getting those juicy purples /drool ). But just yesterday I saw... WoW they took down vael to 15% pretty amazing, I helped these noobs get that far by means that I didnt know I was using.


That should be the reward to you. The feeling that you are acomplishing something new. That you are going to spend time with awsome people. In time those people will apreciate you and then YOU WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD! MUAHAHA!... ahem... i mean then things like people passing rolls for you and people letting you train 84960130697 mobs while you run screaming like a little girl (hahah that was fun). People will learn to trust your ways, and the way things work when you are around.


Sadly you wouldn't know since you decided to step off while it was hard and there were little rewards.


Time is currency... the more you spend the better the stuff you can buy.


as simple as that.

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I am talking about, we know how to do everything already. There is no discovery. The only thing we need to do learn to do it faster.


I find it funny that you use the word "we" since that would include yourself. I've never seen you in MC before. You must have gone before I came to FP.


Yes "we" know how to do everything already, because "we" spent our time and repair bills figuring s*** out. And now "we" want to go back and reap the rewards by getting the purples that "we" have earned and figure out how to get it done so "we" can do the whole of MC in one night.


I'll just end with....FP is not for everyone. If you don't want to put the time and effort into figuring out how "we" can do this better, I'm sure there are other places that have it all figured out already, and places that can clear MC in 2 hours.

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At first I thought it was just a post asking how long we take on clears as just being curious, which is fine. Then the smell of now your doing great I want to bless you w/ my presence...hmm no thank you. Since I was invited into FP I have seen alot of changes, some I don't agree with but one thing stays constant...team effort putting in the time to figure out how we can accomplish a goal. Alot of people have put in countless hours in raids that amounted to nothing tring new ways/idea on how to beat an encounter. We have folks that put up real money so we can have a vent server, folks buy things off AH for fire pots I could go on and on. We have the best grp of officers I believe, that take time out of their day to put forth a strat that will work. Then we have the grunts like me that follow there leadership and found it to be right on track go in follow orders and keep going untill a strat is found that works. So w/ all these good people doing these things and most of the time it goes w/out praise.


I really didn't read your posts word for word I really don't have time for BS, I did however read my guildies wrote and agree w/ them 100%. We as a team have accomplished great win's and will continue too, and if our way of doing it or time frame isn't what you like well let me be the first to say T.F.B. there is the door ----> I'm proud of what we have done, and to be a member.


I am talking about, we know how to do everything already. There is no discovery. The only thing we need to do learn to do it faster.


We huh....I've been in the guild for 7 month'ish and I have NO IDEA who you are. I had to log on just now to look to see if you were in the guild to begin with. But this we stuff is comedy since I have never seen you on a raid...hell have you earned any FPP?


As far as going faster. Well I used to combo pull or take turns pulling MC, I do pull some from time to time. But Garnok is much faster than I am, so why slow the guild down w/ a slower puller (myself) when we can get there faster. That is one thing that has been done...oh if you would have been there you have seen that and the countless other ideas and things that have been done by the members to speed it up. I'm not feeding you anything else I guess you will have to pull your wieght and find out.

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My 60 mage went to MC with FP many times many months ago. Maybe like 4 months ago was the last time he went. My pally, who is not 60, has never been to MC and proabbly will never go.

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