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I think everyone needs to read this, especially the officers. tongue.gif



Here the class and job specifics. You can read the actual strategy in the link.


Class Points.


Druids - Each druid should hibernate the second Dragonkin that spawns in his corner, keeping it hibernated until a kiting hunter is able to pick it up and add it to his existing train of mobs. Once a hunter wakes up a hibernated Dragonkin, the druid should prepare to hibernate the third Dragonkin that spawns in his corner, and so on. Once Dragonkin stop spawning, druids should reserve their hibernate ability to be used defensively on any loose, unkited Dragonkin that enter their corner. Druids should heal as necessary to keep members of their corner alive, but must be aware of the dangers of pulling aggro as a result.


Dragonkin that are currently being kited by a hunter should *NOT* be hibernated.



Hunters - Each corner's assigned hunter should apply a hunter's mark on the first Dragonkin that spawns in his corner, then aggro that Dragonkin via a combination of max-rank Distracting Shot, Arcane Shot, and/or Serpent Sting. The hunter should then kite that Dragonkin across the chamber, up and onto a raised platform, and then back down and across to the opposite platform. When the hunter arrives back at his assigned corner, he should acquire any Dragonkin that is slept there as a target, apply hunter's mark to indicate that he will be adding it to his kiting train of mobs, and then wake and aggro it through the abilities mentioned above.  


Kiting hunters should note that Scatter Shot *does* affect Dragonkin and may be used as a last resort. Kiting hunters should all have the Minor Run Speed Increase enchant applied to a set of boots for use during this encounter.


One hunter will be designated to act as the targeter/assist for Razorgore's sleep ability (see below).



Mages - Mages should kill Orc Mages that spawn in their corner, and sheep Legionnaires that spawn there. Orc Mages may be pulled from range via use of Counterspell, as needed. Legionnaires that are sheeped should be kept sheeped until one of the kiting Warriors is able to break the sheep and add it to his existing train of mobs. Each time a mage's sheeped Legionnaire is added to a warrior's train, that mage should try to find a new Legionnaire target in his corner that is not being kited, to sheep in a similar fashion. Mages should also make use of their instant attacks to quickly \"tap\" Orc Mages and Legionnaires that spawn in their corner, but might otherwise escape to a different area of the chamber if they are not attacked.


Legionnaires that are currently being kited by a Warrior should *NOT* be sheeped.



Paladins - Paladins are the primary healers during the entirety of Phase 1, and should strive to keep all members of their corner alive, along with all kiting hunters and warriors who will be moving around the whole chamber during this phase. Each corner will be assigned one Paladin to act as primary healer for that corner. One Paladin will also be assigned to \"float\" from corner to corner paying special attention to kiters (both Hunters and Warriors). Paladins may use Blessing of Protection as needed to save a healer in his corner, who would otherwise be in extreme danger due to a buildup of healing aggro.



Priests - Priests assigned to each corner should assist in keeping the members of their corner, as well as kiters, alive for the entirety of Phase 1. Priests should rely upon a combination of shields and direct healing to minimize their exposure to healing aggro during Phase 1. For a similar reason, the best place for Priests to stand during P1 is in between the two \"cubbies\" in their corner of the chamber. Priests should use Fade and Psychic Scream defensively, to keep themselves and the other members of their corner alive.  


The two priests assigned to the west side of the chamber should keep the Razorgore controller covered with a shield for the duration of Phase 1. This will help reduce disruption suffered by the controller whenever he might be damaged by AoE effects, such as cleave and arcane explosion.


One priest will be designated as an out-of-combat rezzer. This priest should stay at the absolute north or south of the chamber, right up against one of the closed gates, to remain out of combat for as long as possible during P1. He should rez those who die during this Phase, for as long as he is able to remain out of combat. When he is eventually forced into combat, this priest should act as a wandering healer, paying special attention to healing kiting warriors and hunters.



Rogues - The rogues assigned to each corner should kill all Orc Mages that spawn there, and help in tapping Legionnaires that spawn and are otherwise un-CC'd, to prevent them from escaping to another area of the chamber. As mentioned before, Legionnaires should only be killed when no Mages are available as kill targets, when no CC methods are available to CC the Legionnaires, and when it is otherwise unavoidable. One rogue in each corner will be assigned to the MT display, so that the other members of that corner control group may easily assist those rogues to kill Orc Mages as well.



Warlocks - The warlock assigned to each corner should assist in killing Orc Mages that spawn there. Warlocks should use succubi pets for Phase 1, and they should use their pets' seduction abilities to assist in CC'ing Legionnaires, which may then be picked up by the designated kiting warriors. Warlocks should use their instant attacks and seduction to help ensure that all Orcs which spawn in each corner are tapped, before they may escape to another area of the chamber. Warlocks should reserve their single-target and AoE fear abilities during Phase 1b for defensive use, to protect the members of their corner (especially healers) only when absolutely necessary.


Beware the fact that the use of fear can disrupt the efforts of hunters and warriors to kite Dragonkin and Orc Legionnaires, respectively.



Warriors - The two warriors assigned to the western corners should gather up and tank as many un-CC'd Legionnaires as possible. The two warriors assigned to the eastern corners should attack the first Legionnaire that spawns in their corner and then begin to kite it, using Piercing Howl, AoE attacks, and AoE threat-generation abilities (such as Demoralizing Shout) to keep aggro as they move clockwise from corner to corner. As each kiting warrior arrives in a new corner where CC'd Legionnaires are present, the warrior should break and aggro one or more of those Legionnaires, adding them to his existing train of mobs. Eventually, each kiting warrior should have a very large kiting train, possibly with 10+ Legionnaires included in each.


One warrior will be designated to control Razorgore (see below).


Razorgore Assist\Controller


Razorgore Assist - The hunter assigned as Razorgore Assist should move to the center of the chamber during Phase 1b, constantly scanning the four corners and searching for any loose, unkited Dragonkin, or any Dragonkin that have developed aggro on a raid member aside from the designated hunter kiters. Each time the Assist has targeted such a mob, he should indicate this over TS and use a special \"assist me!\" macro to indicate to the Razorgore Controller that the Assist's current Dragonkin target should be slept by Razorgore at the earliest opportunity. The macro can take the following form:

/t RazorgoreController Assist meh! Sleep mah target!!!

/cast Scorpid Sting(Rank 1)

/script SpellStopCasting(\"Auto Shot\");  

which will "mark" the target in question with a min-rank Scorpid Sting to indicate that it will be slept by Razorgore, while preventing the Assist himself from disrupting any CC on the target.


The Assist may also use this ability to extend the effective duration of the sleep effect placed on any Dragonkin by a druid, allowing druids more breathing room as a result.



Razorgore Controller - The Razorgore controller must control Razorgore, forcing him to destroy all of the eggs in the chamber one by one. The controller does so by using the Orb of Command. Each use of the Orb of Command has a duration of 90 seconds and is a channeled effect, so damage taken by the Controller will shorten the time remaining on the channelling bar. While he is controlled, Razorgore can use 4 special abilities: Destroy Egg, Calm Dragonkin, Fireball Volley, and Cleave. Cleave is the only ability that is never used by the Controller.


Destroy Egg is a short-range, untargetted ability that destroys one nearby egg. It has a 3-second cast time (during which Razorgore must be stationary) and a 7-second cooldown. Typically, it should be possible to destroy 7-9 eggs during each control period as a result.


Calm Dragonkin is a long-range, targetted ability that puts a single Dragonkin to sleep for 30 seconds. It is an instant cast, and thus it is possible to sleep 1-2 Dragonkin in between destroying each pair of eggs in sequence, if used on targets that in range and in LoS while Razorgore is being moved to the next egg.


Fireball Volley is a long-range, untargetted ability that affects all (or nearly all) of the Orc and Dragonkin mobs in the chamber on every use. Each will be hit for a fireball doing ~1000 damage, disrupting any existing CC, and generating a large amount of additional hate aimed at Razorgore. This ability is used once or twice during Phase 1c to draw aggro from all the mobs in the chamber onto Razorgore, and is *NOT* used before then.


To simplify the use of Razorgore's Calm Dragonkin ability, the Controller should make a macro to assist the designated hunter and immediately cast the Calm Dragonkin ability. It can be of the following form:

/assist RazorgoreAssist

/script CastPetAction(5);

/t RazorgoreAssist Your target is slept!  

If desired, the Controller may also make macros to use the Destroy Egg and Fireball Volley abilities; to do this, replace the numeral 5 in the CastPetAction() call with a 4 or 6, respectively.


The Controller must destroy eggs as his first priority, and calm dragonkin (when a target is indicated by the Assist) as a second priority. Ideally, the Controller should destroy 8-9 eggs during each of the first 3 control periods, and thus should begin the 4th control period with 4 to 6 eggs remaining. When each control period ends, Razorgore will aggro onto the Controller, so the Controller may wish to move Razorgore away just before each period ends, for safety.

NOTE: regardless of your assigned task, all players should keep in mind that it is better to kite and survive than stand still and die during Phase 1. If you have unshakeable aggro from enemy mobs, and the only way to survive is to begin kiting, do so!

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