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Since the thread is locked (Danarus - 60 Paladin; Lyrin - 60 Hunter [Closed FFR]), there was no hope of replying to the "wait and see" conversation. Bentley assures me you accept, invite and enjoy frivolous rambling and idle chit-chat in your forums. I have had many a moment with the intentions of doing just that . . . but felt spamming your forum was inapporpriate.


For some unknown reason on this date, I have thrown caution to the wind and lo, here is my post. Originally, I was going to get down on my knees and say a little prayer to the guild gods asking for an opening for myself. Oh, okay - and Danarus. It would have gone something like this:


Oh, great gods of the guild

could you please find just a small space

one that would accomodate two unruly,

er I mean honest and loyal characters.

In return we would work hard (and pay money)

to make fellow guildmates proud

to call us names, no, that's friends.


If you would listen to this prayer

and take action we would be ever so grateful.


Sincerely and Amen

Lyrin, and Lyrin on the behalf of Danarus


But I wasn't sure if you were religious, so maybe it would be better if I said . . . we really wouldn't take up much space. Not even a slot in your instances. We would only attend if you had need and requested us. In the place we came from before we were pretty much use to pugging around and working on our own anyway. What we are really looking for in a guild - is a place to call home, some good friends and conversation.

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I love my mothers sense of humor

I bet you all wonder why I didn't get one huh tongue.gif

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I just find it funny that she was afraid of spamming on the boards when we got you Bent, 469 posts and counting wink.gif

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sorry i close all posts after i deny membership it prevents retalliation from the less savory people and it keeps the forum organized by keeping old posts away.

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ZOMG it's mi madre... She is not mad it is locked... but she now will come and show me up with her wit....



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As for spamming and Bentley's post count . . . good point!!


For me though, you will find quality (and lengthy - looks around for soapboxes) over quantity. Especially, since I will be leaving today to attend an academy for the coming week. I have always considered forums the place where people really grow to know one another. You know, it's where you find out what's for dinner, how a date went, what school is tossing your way - all those ordinarily wonderful tidbits that make a real bond between people.


If I don't bump a thread here or there during my time away, I'm sure I will find a way to make up for it on my return.


Forgotten, but never overlooked. Be a prophet.

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