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Hey folks, this is Bungle, I deleted my pally foolishly, but after having a falling out with my horde guild i have decided to reroll on SC (maybe a warrior). Hope to see you all soon!




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yay bungle! hope to have u back! let me know if u need any help

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Gawd why'd you DELETE your pally? I remember the good ol' days when we were all in Golden Eagle Trading Co (Me, you, Scrapes and Malkoran to name a few) and you were like 10 lvls higher than us. For some reason, fun times in Arathi seem to stand out. It's great to see you're comming back, I'm sure we'll take you back.

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Was it on skullcrusher. If so Blizzard will give it back to you. Minus the gear.

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Was it on skullcrusher.  If so Blizzard will give it back to you.  Minus the gear.


I dont know if blizz will do it, I deleted my warrior around the same time and got him restored...if they did restore him, I could prolly get my gear back by providing them the enchanting reagents and money from selling/DE'ing the stuff.



Ahh yes, good times Val, good times, Scrapes and I met doing the courier quest, and while we were doing that quest we were being griefed by a 60 hunter who we owned, and a 60 rog, who we also owned laugh.gif


I have some stuff going on in RL now, and I might not be able to play for a while, but I'll keep yall up to date on the situation.


And grats on killing Rag WOOOTTT!!!

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Well, I talked to a GM tonight, they are going to look into restoring my pally biggrin.gif , I also decided to ask him a question prolly alot of us have been wondering...





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