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I feel absolutely terrible, today i was in the MC raid, we did well and killed every boss up to rag. At one boss about half way through, (im bad with names) a pair of epic leggings dropped, i liked them and saw no1 else needed so i used my RTU on them and won. Later in the run, mageblade dropped off another boss; i was ecstatically excited and happy because i had only seen it drop once before and have always wanted it; in my excitement i neglected to realise that i had already used my RTU once this run; i rolled, using all my points, and won an rtu roll for the second time in the same MC run.


about 5 minutes later stang msges me and asks if i payed for the pants, at first i smiled thinking how well my winnings were this run; about 2 seconds later i realised wut he meant to imply, and that it was totally true.


I ninja looted an epic item that about 7 other people in the raid wanted to use.


I want to say, right now and from the deepest part of my heart, that i am truely sorry, to everyone that rolled and to everyone in the raid for what i have done; especially to stricnyne since he would have won if i hadnt rolled.


I wish to make it very clear that i am at the disposal of every1 that rolled for mageblade; i will repay u in any way you ask. I would also like to strongly express how bad i feel over, for the purpose of this topic, stole from stricnyne. He clearly displayed his feelings over this matter through in game tells to me; and refused any and all pathetic attempts i could muster for an apology, as well as made it clear that he does not want money. Stricnyne i know your very upset with me and you have every right to be, if there is anything i can do please please PLEASE tell me. Fellow guild members informed me that my, in my opinion, minor punishment for this deed was enough to repay u, however i think differently. If you ever come to forgive me enough to talk to me again just tell me what you want and i will use all my power to get it for you.


Again, i apologize to stricnyne, all those that rolled, the raid group as a whole, and the entirety of FP; I hope i can, someday, find a way to truely repay you all for this; and for all the wonderful things you have all done for me in the past which i have yet to repay.



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The fact that it was an honest mistake makes it forgivable to me. I honestly believe that in the heat of the moment you lost track of how you got the leggings.... The fact that you are apologizing on the forums is a classy move and I respect that.



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I'll tell you what though Krotas, if I ever need to do an apology thread on here to win the hearts of FP members, you are ghostwriting it.



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Hmm.. being totally honest... i didnt realise what had happened until i read this.


Good of you to own up to this... and the fault is not yours alone as the rest of the raid should hv realised about your earlier win straight after your winning roll.


I dont know how Stric feels about this as i was totally oblivious to the situation at the time... but this is a serious issue, not just you but all of us, and we hv to be more careful in the future.


I guess we better implement some kinda manual ML procedures such as the ML for the raid (the raider who does the announcing of loot etc) should note down who won what and at what boss. And after each piece of loot... the winner may not loot the item until he/she receives a whisper from the ML giving the green light.


An extra 2-3mins of double-checking should minimise this from happening.

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Krotas, I forgive you. Sure I could not of rolled on the item, but I KNOW that you would not do something like ninja loot an item on purpose.


Krotarat ftw!

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Krotas, I forgive you.  Sure I could not of rolled on the item, but I KNOW that you would not do something like ninja loot an item on purpose.


Krotarat ftw!


I agree there. Specially since I have known ya for over 2 years biggrin.gif


Too bad about that... I feel bad that it happened. Specially Stricnyne being the one it happened to.


oh well nothing else to do than to move on huh?


/w Readyakira OMG! /gkick!

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:shock::shock::shock: will you write the rest of my school papers for me?



just joined the guild yesterday.. so i dont know what happens to this situation. but the time it would take me to write that apology... i dono about him but woulda taken me all day.. lol. very well put Krotas. and you were cool about welcoming me into the guild. smile.gif i would trust him. i havnt known him for more then a day though

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I think it takes a big man to announce his appology in the forums. Not just member forums but in the general forums! I agree that someone in the raid should have noticed and not being there I am not totaly sure how everything transpired.... heck even while I was there I was sleeping more then awake sad.gif Stricnyne is good peeps and I am sure he understands.

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we need to shave his balls nothig like a scorned scrotum




add my thought, ninja the freaking hell outof everytihng , ninja is fun omg the reactions of 100000000's of people are to die for and the effects of how dam popular u get is unspeakable, so i say ninja.....



ok thats a joke appreacite the honesty, but dont kill your self over it shit happens, hell gawd mde a skee a rogue if that aint the most screwed up shit i have ever seen then nothig is.. in other words shit happens

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Shave off one eyebrow, only one, and we'll all call it even.




I want to see a before and after.

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Having the courage to admit the mistake and seek penance is definitely admirable. And, your eyebrows are prolly left unshaven smile.gif.

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I was there for the entire raid, and I didn't even notice. It's a mistake, but you confessed, and you're taking it like a man. I think this just goes to show we might need to keep a closer eye on who's getting the loot as to avoid a problem like this in the future. It was bound to happen sooner or later, now we can put measures in place to ensure it doesn't happen again.

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