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Druid spec?


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Hey, I'm finally able to get back into the game (I applied in the Application forum a bit ago) and I'm wondering if there any preferences to how I'm specced.


My two preferences are Feral w/Nature's Swiftness (I'll document it below) or Restoration (including innervate) with the rest Feral.


I'd prefer the mostly feral spec, but I realize that end-game play may be more suited to a mostly healing spec.


Any thoughts? Oh, and please let me back in!



Lyboro (paddy)



My preferred spec, any suggestions?:



Imp. MotW, 5/5

Nature's Focus, 5/5

Imp. Rejuv, 3/3

Subtlety, 2/5 (or maybe Reflection instead)

Imp. Healing Touch, 5/5

Nature's Swiftness, 1/1



Ferocity, 5/5

Thick Hide, 5/5

Sharpened Claws, 3/3

Feral Charge, 1/1

Feral Instinct, 4/5 (or maybe some Feral Aggression instead)

Feline's Swiftness, 2/2

Predatory Strikes, 3/3

Savage Fury, 2/2

Heart of the Wild, 5/5



Savage Fury, 2/2

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Hey dr00d brother!


Here at FP we dont enforce specs on our members... altho it'd be awesome if your spec would contribute to the raid in some way, at the end of the day... you hv to be happy!


So basically... go with what YOU want! We're here to give feedback and FP will make it work!


I think Hvilelos is 30 feral and 21 resto as well... it has awesome potential for both pve and pvp.


Looking at your spec... you're trying to cover all 3 areas as a feral druid: 21 points resto to make as effective a healer as possible, some points in feral that contributes to dire bear and some for cat form.

I'm just curious... are you more of a pvp'er or pve'er?


If you intend to pve with your druid, you'll probably find yourself offtanking and a backup primary healer so i'd use this:



Furor imo is a must hv for any feral druid... dont worry about imotw... all our resto druids hv it.

Ur feral abilities are focused on dire bear and ur healing abilities create less agro with some perks here and there.


If you're more of a pvp'er, i'd try this:


Focused more on cat abiliies anf of course FF. Healing abilities are less important.. nature's focus, NS and imp. rejuv are all u'll need so the rest contribute towards feral.


Naturally.. you can can still pve and pvp with either of those specs... but they're just a little more specialised towards one side.

If you're goin for a total hybrid... ur current spec looks good... i'd go for furor tho... insta rage + FC is awesome for PvP and if ur tanking in MC or get punted in while in caster form... u can FC back down without losing health!


The only thing i've noticed is that the 9/11/31 which was the hybrid spec back in the day... cannot be imitated very well post 1.8... druids are being forced to specialise so hybrid specs are less effective than they use to be in terms of pve and pvp.

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anyway my subscription runs out again on jan 13th so you just missed me biggrin.gif


but anyway regarding a spec i went balance to omen of clarity and then pretty much straight feral to Leader of the Pack its a good spec could use some improving but honestly i love it

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