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Lethon Laydown by NA


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NA hv released a brief rundown of Lethon. Lethon is the hardest of the 4 emerald dragons... and we've tried him before... t'was scary!


Anyway here's the quote:


1st you must understand what he does. Its a big give away in the name of his shadowbolts, Its called something like Shadowbolt Whirl.

He basically does a clockwise shadowbolt rotation around his center axis all you need to do is get your Raid on one side of him and then get your MT to run through just offset of his middle every 4 shadowbolts he does.

You can tell when he casts a shadowbolt even if you cannot see them because he will show a shadow type spell effect under his chin each time he does one.

All you have to do is count them and turn him at the correct moment.


Each of the 4 Dragons have an effect that is done at 75%, 50% and 25%. Lethons special attack is a soul drain spell that each person around him will be frozen in place and 2 souls from each person will run towards Lethon. Once they get to him each soul will heal him a considerable amount of hitpoints. I know some guilds do some crazy stuff to avoid his souls even being released but its not even nessisary. The main problem with the soul drain is that everyone including your MT will be frozen in place and unable to fight and heal for a few seconds while Lethon will be beating the shit outa your MT.


Tricks to avoid this from happening:

Once you are approaching 75, 50 or 25% make sure your MT is at maximum health. Assign a healer with either Nature Swiftness or if you are playing easy bake oven mode, A Paladins insta heals will be fine. The second the drain soul is off make them cast it on the MT. This should be sufficent to keep your MT alive. If you are really having serious problems with the MT living then you could always make them pop all their defensive shit and then cycle a new MT for each transition.


Lethon will most likely heal to 100% at eash transition. We dont even bother killing any of the souls until he reaches the 25% mark as the other ones he will heal to 100%. Aslong as your MT stays alive on the transitions who cares what his health is.


AoE Random sleep: Another imo very annoying part of these fights is the sleep cloud that will randomly moves about the raid group sleeping anyone in its way. You can use tremor totems but just aslong as you seperate the healers enough you shouldnt have too much problem with it. Im still not 100% sure its random though as it seems to follow people around for a while but I havent really investigated it too much as its more of a slight annoyance than a raid breaking effect.



link: http://na.iogaming.com/

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Yup alot of NA still hang out around the skullcrusher irc channel still too.

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