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one question. your web guru Signature.. how do you get it? I tried to do thatsigniture geenerator they got on there site, but it didn't work.

I thought I downloaded the porper thing from the UI and I threw it into my addOns and ran the cencus and everything, I just can't get it to find my name... Amitesh :-/

please help bro :-)



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The link I wrote up to WoW guru that has the guild member rankings are the only people it has generated a signature for. It only has a signature for the top 1000 PvP'ers in Skullcrusher. If you are not currently ranked in the top of the server it will not generate a signature for you. I am sorry sad.gif

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awesome thanks bud :-) yea, Idon't do much with amitesh anymore, heehee I think she is only like a corp now or something, good deal though :-) cheers

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