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I hope this really isn't our new race

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I am sure some of you were hoping for pandarian for our new race. Looks like the Ogres are gonna win but could WoW really have come up with something like this


They look like horde but I know they rumored Alliance to get the ogres maybe they are going to give us the blood elves



Two headed Ogres

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I am not joking... seriouslly



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Pictures of Ogre with one offline



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rofl where did you find this link? it says on the page its a horde race... looks like a blizzard joke to me

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i like how you have to share the character, lvl him up twice as fast? or does one head stay a different lvl as the other keeps going? sounds like an interesting way to balance out the horde to alliance ratio by cutting alliance in half.

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  juniorx2 said:
it was the april fools joke from last year. smile.gif


No this can't be true LOL....that two headed ogre would prove to be the best challenge for players. Especially when it coes down to leveling tongue.gif

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  Vladdamyrr said:
  juniorx2 said:
it was the april fools joke from last year. smile.gif


No this can't be true LOL....that two headed ogre would prove to be the best challenge for players. Especially when it coes down to leveling tongue.gif

nope jr's right


and this years was the /panada chinese food delivery service thing

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