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Dang i want to be a GM. Get every piece of gear i want right away run around and kill stuff with lasers and watch thunderaan vs ragnaros. Oh wait id have to respond to people whining about how much they hate wow and blizzard so much (yet they never quit). :wink:

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Oh wait id have to respond to people whining about how much they hate wow and blizzard so much (yet they never quit).   :wink:


Sure but you can take your sweet ass time in doing so biggrin.gif

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I am not sure if any of you have seen all the new lands that are being released and the new dungeons but yeah this is how they are creating those videos. They simply create the shell and run a server of their own. I remember back when I played UO my family made our own server for tournaments and extra stuff that we could control and host. Same principal. I remember I had built my own personal house the size of some towns...


But if people take the game right now and make the shell and run a server of their own all the codes and lands currently in the game that are just not released become open to exploration on a GM character. That is why Blizzard is throwing a tiffy over all these exploration videos and trying to make sites remove them as fast as they are posted.

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Theres only one thing i want to know and i want to know it more than nething else ive ever wanted...


HOW DID HE GET GM CONTROL!?!?!?!??!?!???!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??

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Im assuming it's a private server and some guy that isnt a Blizz GM. You can do anything on those. Im pretty sure a GM isnt allowed to summon Rag and the windseeker guy in SW, nor walk around with unrealeased Legendary weapons equiped (Ashbringer). Could be blizzs own test server, though, I guess. Maybe the guy is a disgruntled employee that made a video on his last day at work lol.

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WOW, OMFG, GMFTMFW?! :-) that vid is awesome, /jealous, heehee, .killall pwns, heehee thats an awesome vid man :-)

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