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Hello again.


Most likely none, or very few of you, have been to the UCA boards in a long time, so I thought I'd pass along the final UCA video I will make.


Basically, this is a tribute to UCA with many people included, and many other people that are excluded as well. I am very sorry if I had forgotten you, but UCA could never have been what it was without your help and support.




That is the link to the tribute but please Download it to your harddrive. Twisted (owner of the FTP) doesn't want me to stream it as it uses up a lot of bandwith.


I hope you all enjoy it, and It has been a wonderful journey.


(I will still be on these boards, basically on the non-wow posts.. if those even exist, lol)


Chris "Exist2Inspire" MacKinnon

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great job exist, u practically got every1 in O_o


Also marvilly goes to the same school as me and he photo edited that pic... hes more ugly than that tongue.gif lol jks biggrin.gif

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