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Well tonight was the first (Of many to come) of FP just WTFPwning Ragnaros.


The way the fight started was rather interesting and I figured I would tell it. And if anyone else has a fun personal experience about this momentous step in FP history I thought it would be cool to express it here.


I get summoned and I am a total noob here really. Can I heal? Yes I can. How did I get my my experience healing? PvP situations. I have been shadow spec since Beta up until about a week or two weeks ago now. My last guild was up to Baron and I had never been this far. I get there and Bramas tells me my main job is to Dot, and keep two rogues alive. Oh yeah and stay the heck away from Ragnaros. (That sounds easy) Thank goodness they didn't say MT healer or anything. I think I would have just turned my computer off and said I lost conn rather than face the possibility of failing my guild (LOL J/K)


So the fight starts and I am just not able to heal the two rogues I am suppose to be healing. :? They are just out of range and I would have to walk a full circle to try and get in range so luckily they were not taking much damage and I tossed out heals to everyone else in the world withiin range that took as much as 1 hp damage. Because I didn't want anyone to think I was not trying. We fail and spirits almost seem down. People are debating if we got one or two atttempts left. Our Pots are running low. Time is low. One more attempt.


We get organized. The tempo automatically changes. People are saying FPFTW and we start the fight. :? My rogues are out of range. Ragnaros decides that I need to do my job because this time he is gonna hit them so he kindly uses his knockback and launches me onto the island with the rogues and I stay there. I dare not move. Will he chase me down and kill me and /spit. I stay there. I heal and I heal and I can heal everyone who is melee on the island woot woot. I am a healin machine heal heal heal /train and then I swear to you. I think Rag was rooting for us because about 15 seconds before the sons spawn he kindly uses his knockback and sends me back to the main land to prepare for the fight there. And if you do not know the end of the story.




*tips cap* I would like to thank Ragnaros for making sure I was correctly positioned for that fight.

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be honest bentley... you cut out a deal with rag just before the attempts! this whole "knocking you into nice positions" smells fishy! =P


nice story man!

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LOL Actually I snuck in about around 3 in the afternoon and him and I had a lil pow wow. I told him I was new to the guild and that I wanted to make a good impressions.


So then I threatened him with the wrath of doom and he decided that is was best to fall to a 40 man raid with me in it than to fall to me solo. So that was the deal he knew he was going down once you all invited me to the group.


It's all about making a good impression I tell ya.

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WOW!!!! I just noticed you have 2500+ posts Shoop. I think your title is safe. I like posting but holy snikes....

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WOW!!!! I just noticed you have 2500+ posts Shoop.  I think your title is safe.  I like posting but holy snikes....


I've been around a loooong looooong time... and being guild leader for however many months causes you to play more forumcraft than warcraft. Fortunately, as a member, these trends reverse :twisted:


I think Arty, Ecth and Siege are the only people who have been trolling longer than I have... maybe missing someone, dunno.

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All I can say is, nothing is more fun than moonfiring my ass off while flying through the air, only to see him fall as I land... and die. But holy CRAP does moon fire spam while being thrown kick ass!

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well congrats to FP; sadly i was there wen we whiped at 1% but had to leave before u guys finished him off : /


il be there next time biggrin.gif

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I led and didn't whorumcraft like you Shoop!


Admit it, you actually enjoy it!

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Not that just thread is on track but just to throw it in another completely different direction so I do not have to start a thread on it.


I told you all Soul Stoning Beorn was going to be a waste because he was not dieing.

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