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Hi all,


I realize a few of you may have been wondering where the hell I've been since I haven't logged on in over three months. I can only point to idiocy on my part by not posting sooner, 2 months ago let's say, and explaining the situation. I realize now that some of you may have worried that something had happened to me in RL, and I apologize if this is so. I do feel like an arse.


After getting in to school I tried to log on every once and while but between school work and helping to run two club sports, I had a drastic shortage of free time. It took me a good 3 weeks to realize that I would simply be unable to play WoW in any worthwhile away, and so I stopped my billing process. I, again, apologize for not posting sooner and explaining.


I realize this may apply more to the old FwB peeps, but all of the FP crew I spoke with (and I'm sure the rest, the crew is prolly bigger now smile.gif ) was very nice to me and I just want yall to know that I still appreciate it.


I will be back once this semester ends, towards the end of this month. I realize my future in this guild may be uncertain due to my being a wanker, but I figured better late than never to explain what happened.


Thanks, and be well,

Paddy (Lyboro)

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